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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Alrighty, I’m en route to the venue. I should get there a bit before the scheduled start of Speed. Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring y’all good coverage. If I’m able to, I be “live tweeting” from my personal Twitter or Totallympics Media Twitter.
  2. I really don’t get canceling any of these sports events (except in “epicenters” of the disease). This is so similar to the common flu, and yet we don’t go around cancelling events for that. Malaria kills more people yearly than either of those two, and yet events still take place in Africa in those areas.
  3. I agree completely. Plus, what about losing all the progress we made on women’s rights in Afghanistan. What about the people democracy has served well their. I think it’s a mistake, but I also think we do need to leave eventually.
  4. The United States and the Taliban have signed a peace deal after 18 years of war (almost my entire lifetime, I’ve never known a time that our soldiers weren’t fighting in Afghanistan). There were 26 countries as witnesses, including the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The peace deal terms are: Afghanistan (and the Taliban) must not allowed terrorist groups to take root. There must be dialogue now between the different fractions of Afghanistan. The US will move towards withdrawing all troops. Permanent ceasefire.
  5. And even their party was so broad that they accomplished very little. I think the same happened to the Democrats in 2006-2008. The Democrats have great ideological divides though, so it’s harder for them to work together.
  6. Two suspected cases in Washington. Looks like it’s going be a long month here on the West Coast.
  7. The Party cough*money*cough can handpick the candidate. The DNC is actually worse than the GOP in many aspects, and this is one of them.
  8. What you should understand about the DNC is that they are essentially “the party” in the most communist sense. That’s why I’m not registered as a Democrat (at least one of the major reasons). The primaries are essentially worthless really. There’s a good possibility Sanders wins every primary, but Bloomberg or Buttigieg win the nomination. The system is a major point of contention between the moderate and progressive factions of the party. DNC Chair elections almost tore the party apart last time. I’m anti-Perez, and I think he’s done a crappy job as DNC Chairman. It’s also worth pointing out that most electoral college delegates are not bound to vote for the candidate their state voted for. So shoddy “democratic” institutions are kind of an American tradition.
  9. I still remover the days where we don’t have to worry about people voting for Neo-Nazis. Fun times we live in.
  10. We now know the men’s finalists too: Bailey Galla Duffy Granja Valencia Waller Santos Buhl Grosso This is essentially US national selection with a little added excitement. The Ecuadorians are the strongest speed climbers, so a decent Boulder or Lead could give them a fighting chance. Mexico and Brazil are generally weak, but they’ve managed to create some climber apparently. Mexico could make some inroads in Speed, but he’ll to seriously improve upon his Lead. Brazil is little more than a wall decoration I’m afraid (he actually had a weirdly good Lead performance in Qualification).
  11. We’re so fucked Trump (and his allies) have labeled coronavrius as a “Democratic hoax” meant to bring down his first term. Trump has also appointed Mike Pence, a man known for his disbelief in science, as head of the United States response to the disease. It was nice knowing y’all. At least the Chinese and Iranian believe the disease is real.
  12. Now there’s a community case (meaning natural spread within the states) in Oregon. The patient recently visited an elementary school...
  13. Second in-state case of the coronavrius in California. The patient had not been to any of the infected regions, nor had they been in contact with anyone known to have the disease. Health officials now believe the virus is being transmitted in California in situation similar to Italy, Korea, and Iran. As I said, my fears about the disease are still high, but it was inevitable this would happen. Now, I’ve just got to do my best to heed health warnings to avoid the disease. I still plan to attend the Pan American Championships tomorrow, so hopefully the event will still go forward. So far the cases have both been in Northern California, in some less dense populated areas. However, I fear it’s only a matter of time before it spreads to somewhere like LA, SF, Sacramento, etc.; and then we’re screwed and in it for the long haul.
  14. Totally Quiz #6 is go!: Also, congrats to @dcro and @hckosice for again sharing the highscore last week. @Agger joined them at 7/10 this time as well.
  15. IFSC Pan American Combined Championships? Yes. IFSC Pan American Championships? No, those have been around for a while. In fact, they will be held later this year, and award quotas for next years World Games (which I will also hopefully be at).
  16. Ah, IFSC have confirmed 8 qualify for the final, Rojas and Frangos are in fact still in the mix for the quota.
  17. Dependent upon how many climbers make the final round (don’t know if it’s 6 or 8 at this competition), we know the woman’s finalists for tomorrow (which is the first of two days in which I’ll be in attendance): If 6: Bair Contreras Aguado Chi Hunt Yip If 8: those 6 above Rojas Frangos If only 6 make it, it would be a huge shame for Rojas because she has been quite strong in the Pan American region. Plus, she placed 5th in women’s pre-qualification.
  18. St. Helena has never looked more attractive than now Time to plan me a vacation
  19. True? False? Kind of right? Fat is an American stereotype, but I think the more common one is that we’re all cowboys that love shooting guns and talking with a Southern accent.
  20. In a crazy turn of events, Syria just got more interesting. First, Turkey announced that it will no longer stop Syrians at the border, nor will they prevent them from entering Europe any longer. Second, Assad/Russian forces carried out airstrikes that killed 29 (or more) Turkish soldiers, and wounded many. Turkey hosted emergency meetings tonight, and the result is not clear. There are some fears this could lead to war between Turkey and Russia, which would’ve been very unexpected only a few months ago. So, from Iran v. US, we’ve moved to Turkey v. Russia in the Middle East now.
  21. My problem with NCAA Gymnastics is that they put too much emphasis on the dancing. Plus, they still use that outdated scoring system. I like athletes interacting with the music too, but this isn’t Dancesport.
  22. No, that’s pretty much why I bothered to post this. Both the athletics and equestrian cases were Cannabis though.
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