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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Is Qatar still 'Qatar' in men's handball (like their world championships miracle team) or is it more like actually Qatar nowadays?
  2. Now it's a matter of waiting for the first couple that actually started on Totallympics, for which I guess we'll have to turn our eye towards Serbia and, who knows, France.
  3. Wow, now someone non-German could win the title!
  4. Some news with the season a few weeks away. Former U23 world skiathlon champion Nathalie von Siebenthal of Switzerland has announced her retirement aged only 26, while Hanna Falk of Sweden is out for the entire season due to a back surgery to try and remove the problems she's had there for years.
  5. Yay, we play against the Kings of All Ball Team Sports.
  6. Makes absolutely perfect sense not to award it yet 12 years before the Olympics. Jeez, give it some time.
  7. That's only going to make it even more impossible to watch everything though. You're gonna get a ton of situations where you have an Olympic final and a Paralympic final going on and really, a huge majority of people is going to choose to watch the Olympic one. Sad, but honest: when there's a Diamond League meet with some para-events (often in the UK I believe), I find myself often skipping those events when not watching live or turning away for a moment when watching live, because I'm just not very interested.
  8. And because of that I'm happy it goes from two hours to one and a half hour. That gives Ziggo Sport, the one that shows DL in the Netherlands, half an hour more to show their screen with a list of which programs will be on tomorrow!
  9. Yonathan Monsalve and Mehdi Sohrabi are provisionally suspended apparently. That's two (former) gods of the Asian cycling tour in trouble, too bad
  10. If you actually do three jumps during an attempt, you get a red flag
  11. Welcome to the life of hammer throwers and, soon, triple jumpers.
  12. And it's already afternoon in Europe since 27 minutes, how dare they!
  13. This doesn't look good at all. Of course we already knew about the insanely stupid 90 minutes, which is only going to make the chance smaller of keeping the disciplines. No more 5k which makes absolutely zero sense, guessing the triple jump will be cut away as well because godknowswhy.
  14. Hurray, can't wait to see which random Chinese city with no atmosphere they'll take
  15. On the other hand, I kind of like the idea of making it 'inclusive' like this. To be fair, for most people the Paralympics are a tiny afterthought (if any thought at all) anyway..
  16. I would check this morning, since I usually check my weight in the morning. The morning I left for Brazil it was 87.something, now it was...
  17. I'm still not sure whether or not this is sarcastic. As a fan of sports, it shouldn't be, but I'm not sure.
  18. Oh come on, now people start saying things and now I can only see it as a kissing flame (or Goku's kissing hair). Let me like the logo
  19. I like the logo by the way, but since bestmen's comment I can't help but seeing Goku's hair in it.
  20. That didn't help very much, but luckily there's Google Never heard of it before, now I did
  21. What's this Marianne? I don't get that part, the logo has a name or what?
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