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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I'm at least hoping for a combination of both, and not some sort of regular 'cool' t-shirt with jeans down to their knees. At least try to make it look a little bit Olympic..
  2. Yeah, I saw it's both park and street. Somehow I'm used to thinking it's kinda the same thing
  3. #2, with a note that there should be a back-up at all times, considering how vulnerable the servers used by Totallympics generally are.
  4. Reading 'old' threads pays off, today I learned Thomas Bach is an Olympic gold medalist in fencing
  5. One nation can qualify 12 (!) skateboarders for the Olympics? I thought there were only going to be one men's event and one women's event..
  6. Right, didn't follow anything so far yet due to my travel, but I'm interested in watching some spoilerfree highlights, so here we go. I'm assuming by now we've arrived at the World Series, so: which teams played in the ALCS and which teams played in the NLCS? If I know that, I might be able to watch those series in highlight form without knowing the results yet
  7. Too bad, Onur Balkan at least last year had some slightly interesting results here and there (outside Turkey, that is), but he too is nowadays doing pretty much the same thing - spamming Turkish races.
  8. Which is a good thing, at least Belarus has a pretty good cyclist and a decent one to back him up. Turkey has...well, nobody, really.
  9. But I've just been told we have legitimate medal hopes...
  10. So there is just a tiny World Cup series, having three continental championships would have been unique, it being a demo sport in the Youth Olympics has been cancelled....yet they want to be included in the Olympics within a handful of years? No way, that is way too early. Get everything in order first..
  11. Nah, betting on luge (and bobsleigh/skeleton) is usually only possible during the Olympics at the international bookmakers and even then only on a few of them. During World Cup seasons I've only ever seen it at Russian Marathonbet. Taubitz might not drive as perfectly as Geisenberger, she'll be the top German athlete which is always an advantage and she's still just better than most others.
  12. Good news in a sad way. She had suffered enough and now can hopefully finally find the peace she wanted so badly. Sleeping one hour a night again and again simply because the pain is so excruciating is no way to live.
  13. Right, time to find a bookmaker with luge season bets. I'd like this on Taubitz please.
  14. Missed that Doesn't sound like it was planned
  15. Are you at least a Super Saiyan?
  16. Dude, and you missed that opportunity to run a marathon under two hours which you could probably have done right after drinking whatever Astana has in their bottle?
  17. She's sort of in the position Geisenberger had when she was still the second-ranked German behind Hüfner, Taubitz seems like the perfect bet to dominate the winter. I'm hoping Eitberger can challenge her and possibly win though, and who knows, if they take each other's points away in Europe, maybe Summer Britcher can do something with a good run in North America.
  18. Biathlete* Also, why do you have an Astana user icon nowadays?
  19. Of all Brazilian female cross-country skiers with a mountainbike background, she's definitely the most talked about on here.
  20. None, I'm starting to feel like TOISC will be cancelled
  21. Everyone but you knew that already..
  22. Says one of the two hosts of TOISC 2019, great.
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