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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I'll try and catch up tonight, work is eating up quite some time and of course right now I'm asked to work on Saturday as well...and actually at the office instead of home
  2. According to himself, so, yeah Hehe
  3. I'd had hoped it would be dinner, but fine
  4. So Evie Richards winning her top-level debut, Ulloa winning the men's race...curious what today will bring, the first big races of the very short season, the women are coming up now.
  5. Yeah, good to see Cosnefroy get attention for something way better than scraping points for the 'mountain' jersey
  6. January and February 2021 are most likely not going to be part of 2020 I mean, you never know in these times, but I still consider that somewhat of a certainty
  7. Errani then went on to say Bertens' nearly dying of cramp after the match was just show Wow, some people are born sore losers...and then there's Sara "My mom's cancer medicine made me test positive for doping" Errani
  8. Anyhow, as expected after the new measures were announced here Monday: no Amstel Gold Race that was supposed to be held on 10 October, the organizer announced it's cancelled.
  9. Yes, but wearing masks is like a little bandage against the bleed, in the end the only really efficient thing is keeping physical distance. I do get the reasoning we're hearing quite often here: "We won't make masks mandatory everywhere yet, because people think with masks, they don't need to keep their distance anymore and so the whole thing only spreads easier." Anyway, glad their protest worked and they can play again, now stay away from other teams please
  10. Hirschi, one of the riders of the year, takes the win Perfect opportunity for him this year.
  11. Alex Aranburu has been pulled out of the Giro d'Italia because of a positive test. Again, not that test, the COVID-19 one. Jonas Gregaard was standing at the start of the Fleche Wallone today, but was pulled out and so didn't start, the reason is probably obvious
  12. Those people haven't heard of the whole "keep your distance" thing that's the main thing in trying to stop this situation?
  13. Aaaaand that's it for the BinckBank Tour. Or it could be. The three stages in the Netherlands have been cancelled tonight, organizers are scrambling to see what to do now. An option is to have a time trial at the Zolder race track. Bit of a weird decision specifically to cancel tomorrow's stage. Like a lot of people would show up on a rainy weekday for a time trial in Zeeland of all places. Anyhow, tomorrow is going to be a rest day after today's opening stage, whether or not the Tour will continue will be decided later.
  14. So basically Angelina Jolie is Slovak-Dutch. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with American, you know, being born there and all Else I might have to refer to myself as French-German-Belgian-whoknows if I go back far enough
  15. APELDOORN - Fans have been eagerly waiting to get a clue on one important topic: when will the event be held? It really could be at any moment and so the people of Apeldoorn have already spotted some weirdly dressed people from all over the globe - apparently fans are keeping a close eye on Omnisport, just in case the event is suddenly about to start. Kids have reportedly seen a few weird birds walking in the vicinity, which they described as 'wobbling, white and black upright chickens', but it's safe to say that's most likely just magpies being the smart little creatures they are. Back to the actual news: a date has been dropped! Our reporter is just back from a visit to Het Loo Palace, which used to be a royal palace for a few centuries. It's a national museum nowadays - although not everything is open to the public - and it's being renovated until somewhere next year. Rumour has it the Dutch king is using this time to go back to his roots for a little while and our reporter might just have gotten word from Willem-Alexander himself: 7 November 2020 is going to be the day of the Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020! Het Loo Palace, if one looks at the right place, one can see the window behind which talks about the TOISC 2020 date have been held
  16. Arminas Jasikonis has been placed in a coma after his crash during the MXGP race in Mantova Sunday, according to his team he has suffered brain damage. Jasikonis is 7th in the standings and had taken his first GP win earlier this year.
  17. Ah, the Golden Kilometer kind of thing they have in the Belgium Tour?
  18. Hence my doubts about how realistic that would be. I can see the DQ's 'for knowing a prior result' coming in already
  19. Yeah, see my post right above yours If that's possible, that would quite clearly be the better option.
  20. But Roglic has a pretty decent bit of explosivity in his legs usually, he could normally be expected to have a bit of a better chance behind Van Aert, his sprint looked like he wished the finish was 150km earlier I really didn't think he had anything left..
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