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Posts posted by opruh

  1. 15 minutes ago, NearPup said:

    People outside the US literally can’t say worst things about the US than Americans themselves say, frankly the most unfairly harsh critics of America come from within. We air our dirty laundry. Which is, incidentally, what I appreciate the most about living in the US.

    If the PRC didn’t have anything to hide they wouldn’t crack down on free speech.

    Oh really, when will the us media start condemning themselves for supporting the ongoing genocide in yemen along with other countries like saudi, uk and france?


    Will the us senators sanction themselves for these human rights violation? 


    You air your dirty laundry right?  

  2. You have the "holy" united states of america and their "holy" allies in nato and "beacon of human rights and democracy" europe bombing and committing genocide in the middle east for more than 20 years yet no one bats an eye.


    Meanwhile adrian zenz, the homophobic fundamentalist Christian who claims his anti-China crusade is ordained by God is the source of these idiots who claim China is committing genocide in Xinjiang.


    Yep, being exempted from one-child policy and having preferential treatments for university acceptance for uyghurs are genocide.


    Having 20000 mosques in China is anti-Islam.


    Idiots, expected if you look at the current states of the countries in the western world. Good luck.

  3. Lol taiwan claims mainland China and Mongolia as theirs. Good thing they are a complete weakling, same thing with their backer america. 


    Regarding Hong Kong, only thing america can do is gather 27 countries to condemn China and have the news organizations reports these 27 countries as the international community, very funny. 

  4. Let's see, so rt is fake news, cnn is fake news but worse, fox is the worst, al jazeera is fake news, cgtn and bbc too (cant trust most of government owned). :) Evey news outlet out there spews propaganda to brainwash people to think that a certain group of people, government or country is evil. Of course the one with the most developed and widespread network of media outlets is most likely the worst offender when it comes to spreading fake news.

  5. Just now, heywoodu said:


    I wouldn't be surprised (actually I would, but let's stay positive) if that doctor gets a 'Person of the year' cover. I mean the doctor who warned about the virus, then got arrested and intimidated by the Chinese government for 'spreading rumours' (including being forced to 'confess'), yet still kept putting his life on the line - both against the government and against the virus - to try and help as many people as he could before sadly catching the virus and dying of it. That dude's a hero.

    True, if trump got a cover just because he's trump, then the hero doctor deserves it so much more.

  6. 45 minutes ago, up and down said:


    Basically China athletes by now have been barred from playing in any tournaments held in European, American, Australia and also Asian continent. A big blow to China athletes as all the countries have choosen health as their main priorities. Reason given is China athletes will spread Coronavirus so there is nothing to be done here.

    Chinese short track speed skating athletes are currently competing in Germany. 

  7. Just now, heywoodu said:

    The other times it has all been just rumours though.

    A gift from Putin so his agent will once again be reelected, politics in the usa is very entertaining to follow. (Anyway, I hope the isis guy is truly dead tbh, one less bad guy in the middle east. :toast:)

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