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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023

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54 minutes ago, Cobi said:

Angry Daffy Duck GIF by Looney Tunes


Since we are in the last weekend of Voting Windows, I will tag all the users as a reminder that you have until next Wednesday March 8th at 23:59 (CET) to send your votes. :cheer:


@konig @vinipereira @Federer91 @ManuCHIL @Vic Liu @dcro @Wumo @Agger @Bohemia @catgamer @Cinnamon Bun @Finnator123 @Yannakis @maestro @Makedonas @Fly_like_a_don @OlympicIRL @Dnl @SteveParker @Pablita @Henry_Leon @Werloc @Glen @mrv86 @Ionoutz24 @heywoodu @Wanderer @vkristijan @rybak @kungshamra71 @IoNuTzZ @NikolaB @hckošice @justony @amen09 @Illya @owenp_23 @dezbee2008 @Olympian1010

Noted. I'll be sending in my votes either tonight or tomorrow

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53 minutes ago, rybak said:

Well, I think its about time to start listen the songs :p

It was about time a week ago, it's not easy this year :p


I'll also use this as opportunity to say that everyone that's planning to vote for Lithuania are safe, because our votes are sent :d 

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"Chotis" is a dance and music style that apparently originated in Bohemia in the late 18th century, quickly making its way to other parts of Europe and America. It is characterized by its slow and graceful rhythm, and is often performed as a ballroom dance.


The chotis is usually performed by couples, who dance to the accompaniment of a small orchestra or a single piano. The dance is characterized by its smooth, gliding steps and elegant movements, and is typically performed in a relaxed, leisurely manner.


The chotis was very popular in Spain in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and was considered one of the most sophisticated and refined forms of Spanish dance. Although its popularity has declined in recent decades, the chotis remains an important part of Spanish cultural heritage, and is still performed and appreciated in Madrid.


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I send my votes, it was more difficult than i expected......


In the next days i put my post about conclusions/observations, something that nobody is asking for.

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After first two rounds of listening I eliminated just six songs, I never had such problems with my choices, very good level this year, really.

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As an update, all the members of the :ITA jury have voted, becoming the first multi-member jury to do so. Furthermore, we have 9 single-member juries that have voted (:ARG :CZE :HUN :INA :KAZ :LTU :ROU :ESP :SWE) and 3 more where at least one user has voted but other members are still thinking about their rankings (:BRA :FRA :USA).

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