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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. How did qualifying for this work? Because no way Canada only would have one single quota and Portugal would have four when based on quality of the athletes
  2. What's up with these people thinking decapitation solves problems? Now my own little town has fallen victim
  3. At least I'd be fine with that as well, I just prefer Van der Poel getting it
  4. And then home crowd cheers for two or three sliding medals when it could easily have been triple the amount
  5. Too bad for the Italian athletes though. Yet another country throwing away years and years of the easiest possible home advantage in the entire world of Olympic sports When getting the hosting rights for the Olympics, the very same day construction for the sliding track should get underway and within a year - and so plenty of years before the Olympics - the track should be entirely done....there are no 'easier' medals available in Olympic sports (which isn't to say it's literally easy, because obviously it isn't, but there is no sport where home advantage is easier to get).
  6. Well that's all nice and well from the government to say, but they do realize that also means the track does actually need to be finished, right? Don't get me wrong, I definitely hope it will stay in Cortina because it'd suck to have one part of the Olympics in a different country (especially if then they'd choose Innsbruck over St Moritz), but having a finished track would be quite....important
  7. Van der Poel, Bol, water polo women and Meuwly please. I don't know the para-athletes well enough, so no idea
  8. Right, time to mute the Totallympics for a while again to avoid heart attacks Obviously I will be breaking every single light bulb though.
  9. I am genuinely trying to decide whether or not this is meant in a serious way
  10. Women's doubles in the youth Continental Cup in Oberhof this weekend: Sisters don't want to go together?
  11. To be fair, the contracts of Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema are almost three times bigger in terms of actual salary, Ohtani's contract is more valuable because in football one doesn't usually get contracts that are that long Which isn't to say Ohtani's contract is insane of course, probably only Ronaldo, Benzema and Messi have a significantly higher salary in the entire sports world, but yeah, that's it
  12. Dude, no, shut up and don't give the weather gods any ideas I'm not gonna be able to accept a season without Kitzbühel and Wengen.
  13. Oh come on. Things happened perfectly yesterday...I had hope, you know
  14. Apparently it's likely to be the last World Cup in Tomaszow, considering next summer a new track in Zakopane - on 1km altitude - should open it's doors. Curious how it's going to be there, athletes are....not impressed, to say the very least, with Tomaszow (in terms of being one of the most boring cities they've ever been to, and the ice this week has often been horrible) Personally I really don't mind: there's a nice atmosphere inside the arena during the races, with a nice audience being there, unlike often is the case in for example the Asian and North American legs. Plus terrible ice isn't necessarily bad, as long as the ice quality is more or less the same between the 1st and last pair of a distance, it's fine. It's not fun if every single track is always a super speedway, you also need tracks that are heavy and favour the distance athletes more than sprinters, who are favoured in the high altitude tracks.
  15. Isn't that what makes things like this fun though? Like TISC, it's fun to realize tons of people actually experience music (or sports, in this case) in many entirely different ways than we do ourselves.
  16. Dutch ladies DQ'ed after the team pursuit (in which they were by far the fastest), because Joy Beune didn't have her transponders on. "Someone had already taken them and I couldn't find them, so I started without them." It's a whole thing in Dutch sports media and sports social media now
  17. Aerials skier/jumper Maksim Gustik of Belarus has died, aged 35, after a traffic collision today. Hadn't competed internationally since the Beijing Olympics, for obvious reasons, but until then he had a very long and succesful career: he finished in the top-10 of the World Cup standings in nine seasons, from 2011 to 2021. Also 2 World Cup wins, 9 podiums in a World Cup career that started almost 16 years ago.
  18. Probably, although I might be a bit biased because I always find comebacks cool and inspiring and in some cases the essence of sports
  19. If I remember correctly, we set our alarms to watch Aline's races in those championships Irrelevant yet fun fact: next month we'll be keeping some of her equipment safe in our garage while they're off to compete in Slovenia, so they don't need to haul everything everywhere
  20. Well, yeah, I mean Tim Singer said it so I didn't mean it was a rumour You can imagine my surprise though, when having missed this news completely and suddenly hearing one of the dominant teams of the past many years is done
  21. I know para winter sports are often not exactly the most competitive, because of the often rather small fields of participants, but...Aline Rocha really should be on the list of suggestions as well, I'd say. World champion in para-cross-country skiing plus two bronze medals...for Brazil, of all places. I'd have said the same if she was Chilean by the way A truly 'exotic' athlete (it's not like she actually lives and trains in North America or Europe or something) winning several winter sports world championships medals, including a first-ever gold....that is something special.
  22. And thanks for the annual reminder that next year I am REALLY going to write down the cool and inspiring and impressive things and performances I see in sports.....just like in the previous 10 years I forgot it entirely, which will make it insanely hard to remember...well, basically just what actually happened
  23. I'd probably just go with 'Best team' and 'Best doubles/pair', instead of splitting it between men and women.
  24. Apparently Eggert/Benecken retired? Wow, had I missed some massive news there And Steu together with.....Kindl?!
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