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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I didn't say religion, I said/marked cultural differences The likes of Mao, Stalin, Hitler or the people behind the Rwandan or Armenian genocide definitely had some sort of cultural difference with their victims.
  2. Why do players like Cristiano have to be such incredibly poor examples for children? Every single time he misses a header, next thing he does is scream as if someone just attempted to murder him
  3. Come on Ajax, finish it off and take revenge after all this time
  4. If it was that easy, 99% of the world's wars would not have needed to be fought With the exception of the 'I want to be king, no I want to be king' kind of wars of long ago
  5. Wake up? in b4 bullcrap talk about 'demographic replacement' and stuff
  6. We would certainly have a handful of people celebrating here too, like you saw in France. A large majority would either be sad or quiet, like you saw in France.
  7. I care as much about this as about Angkor Wat or those amazing Assyrian things.
  8. Even a blatant lie: Quite a lot of people, including myself, felt heartbroken at all those images of Islamic State destroying monument after monument after monument 'because wrong religion'.
  9. I've been working on keeping it under 20
  10. Try and stop those 'towers' from being destroyed, at least fight as hard as they can for it.
  11. Just to make sure Americans don't get confused.
  12. Anyone who thinks anything about this is easy has the IQ of a retarded goldfish.
  13. They are literally standing on the roof trying to fight this. There's just really nothing to do, no matter how good of a firefighter you are.
  14. Jesus motherfucking Christ how dumb can someone be?
  15. Wow, the Notre Dame in Paris is on fire and it seems to be seriously bad...
  16. 30-year old Colombian cyclist Jarlinson Pantano has been caught and it's a classic: EPO The out of competition test was done on 26 February, basically 2,5 years after he was any good.
  17. Probably some dude who stepped on his 'sand castle' or something.
  18. 'eFIFA', that's sort of a computerized version of FIFA?
  19. But theoretically one could either remove their nail or 'accidentally' lose their finger and then vote again, no? I mean, if one would be stupid enough to cut off a finger for one extra vote in literally hundreds of millions of votes
  20. Voting pass + ID. When you come in and are handed the ballot, your voting pass number is crossed out and more importantly, they take your voting pass. No pass + ID = no voting, so once you have voted, you can't vote again. No need for ink or 'I voted' stickers or something
  21. Probably the Olympics cares a lot more about Woods than Woods does about the Olympics I mean, the Olympic field is probably 10 times weaker than that of any major..
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