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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And world record that will not be broken for a long, long, long time.
  2. I heard another finalist is Christian. Wow. I guess?
  3. Idiots. I heard on Dutch TV every single field event is pretty much skipped entirely, except for showing a handful of attempts at the end to show the medalists. Not even all track events are live neither, often because they finals are run while they are still talking in the studio We should be in charge of this kind of stuff, morons.
  4. Said 95% of the world's athletics predicting population.
  5. Yoann Kowal definitely needed a lot more Salazar.
  6. The only 4x100m (men's) upset in my opinion is Jamaica being out, the rest is all either expected or a small surprise, nothing too big.
  7. "Because we have the fastest guys so don't need to practice."
  8. Well, should the federation really know every private thing athletes do? I mean, it's not like an actual doctor came and did anything.
  9. Yeah who knows when Jackson can celebrate her gold
  10. Dinner is free, tickets are free for a lot of employees of local companies who send emails around to try and get people to go
  11. Great, now we can see ICA sprint with 3 different guys (without one actually being 'the' sprinter) in World Tour races. That's gonna be funny.
  12. Should be on the Eurosport Player, so I'll try and give it a look tonight I remember I enjoyed the scenery last year.
  13. Told you Miller-Uibo could go far under 49
  14. Slowly catching up on yesterday's events and what How did KJT manage to pass Thiam (or stay ahead of her, depending on how you look at it)? And I see Mayer gave away a present, too bad the best decathlete had to give up injured.
  15. KJT. Not much against her to be honest, but I have nothing against Reguigui, so Reguigui wins
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