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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Which is surprising in itself, since she's without much doubt the world's second best heptathlete of the past few years.
  2. I wonder if BBC commentators - like the Dutch - are noobs that only look at the current standings and stuff like "she's xx points behind!" or if they actually use the forecasts like pretty much every avid multi-event follower ever
  3. Never mind, I hadn't seen the 15+ for Thiam yet
  4. KJT is having a really, really good heptathlon so far. Better than Thiam, relatively speaking.
  5. There isn't gonna be a civil war. At least not because of Trump and his fans.
  6. Just noticed the name of the building. From now on I have a new country to cheer for,-45.3892849,3a,89.8y,200.77h,97.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFeIVjBVdFff5GXZOpCgtUA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  7. I am 100% anti calling the 400m a sprint. Although I am perfectly aware there are people who do so, yes.
  8. Double presentations before the start
  9. A well-deserved 'good job' from the heart.
  10. Well, let's go with a prediction. I say Lyles in 19.58
  11. As if your average Chinese is up in the middle of the night to watch some javelin
  12. The sportsmanship and comradery in men's pole vault is something I like time and time again, one of my favourite aspects of athletics.
  13. Brazier wins, Alberto Salazar is cheering Oh wait.
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