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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. But that's the difference between a sport where it's about executing things in a good way and a sport where you just gotta do it. If you have the ugliest jump ever but clear 6.05m with it, you cleared 6.05m and that's that
  2. I do, yes. She has however already run under 49 in her life and seems to be in better shape than ever.
  3. I might not see some mistake in my English, but what I meant is I would not be surprised - at all - to see a faster time than 48.5 or something. She jogged to 49.66 and did nothing but braking in the last 30 meters.
  4. Damn, Miller can go very far under 49 in the final.
  5. Because really, really talented athletes who are very instable but have a very high peak can win the biggest things, better than athletes who are very stable, but with a lower peak
  6. Yeah that's from a while ago, it was mentioned some pages ago that her excuse is that she was on her period.
  7. I know they get asked questions so they'll have to answer something, but generally it's just better to say nothing in a situation like this...I mean, like Hassan's comment: "I'm shocked! Never expected this!" Come on, all the world expected this for years.
  8. Hassan reacted by saying she is 'very shocked' "I'm clean because I'm often tested" etc etc, Kloserhalfen (who's management answered instead of herself) seems to have the same cliche reaction.
  9. No we wouldn't, because the servers are definitely not gonna stay stable that long
  10. Sadly I missed Samba's celebration but that must have been something.
  11. 47.42 being disappointing only shows how insane this event has been in the past two years
  12. When you're in a race with three (!) guys who ran under 47 seconds, I'd be scared as much more than a cat
  13. Now the race of races of these world championships
  14. It really just depends on how the athlete feels, physically. Who knows, perhaps she already feels a slight injury coming up and just doesn't see any possibility to get close to even more than 2.04m.
  15. Epic sprint by Stahl, that needs to be GIFfed badly
  16. Firfirica, Parellis, Denny, who are they? I feel like I really missed the discus boat this year
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