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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Heats will be held tomorrow, Semifinals and Finals on Sunday. No idea where to find start lists or results. Maybe Spanish user can help us here? @Jur, perhaps?
  2. Germany wins in a dramatic conclusion. 448.568% 448.381% 437.071% 391.089% Young Ben Ebeling takes much of the blame. On both days, he risked it all for the passage on the final centerline (8.3 average), what caused his horse to lose the rhythm going into piaffe (4.75 average). Mid-test piaffes averaged above 7.0.
  3. Table tennis needs to rework their qualification systems. Min. 3 nations contesting each spot would solve everything.
  4. Yeah, Mongolia has been in the center of controversy this Olympic cycle. First they qualify the women's 3x3 team by virtue of playing daily tournaments in some elementary school halls, now they qualify in table tennis by virtue of defeating themselves.
  5. Well, considering I did not consult previous rankings before starting the second listen, I am reasonably happy that my Top 13 from the second listen are the same as Top 13 overall. And there is a good reason why that one song dropped from 10th to 27th. One major flaw came to my attention.
  6. Season started today in Wellington, with Germany taking surprise lead over the US and Canada. Competition concludes tomorrow. Interestingly, Canada entered pretty much their four main Olympic candidates into this competition, and it was Chris von Martels, on paper the weakest link, who was the best performing Canadian today by a mile.
  7. Just for the sake of it, here are the (hidden) combined rankings after the two completed listens. Scores given in the last column are just those rankings multiplied. It is a system I borrowed from sport climbing. Listen I Listen II Score 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 5 15 6 3 18 4 7 28 7 4 28 5 13 65 8 9 72 9 12 108 12 10 120 22 6 132 14 11 154 20 8 160 13 15 195 11 19 209 15 16 240 10 27 270 19 17 323 17 21 357 18 22 396 29 14 406 16 26 416 30 18 540 28 20 560 24 25 600 27 23 621 26 24 624 21 30 630 23 29 667 25 28 700
  8. Second listen done and dusted. Still feels like a very weird Annual. Up-beat songs are far less represented than usual. Lots of beautiful entries, though. Since there was a lot of movement on my scoreboard, I decided to keep all 30 remaining entries at this stage...
  9. Mongolia - table tennis Also basketball, since 3x3 is counted under the same sport.
  10. Who knows, maybe if they find another 50 exotic nations, the IOC will give them a break and assign them two extra spots or something.
  11. And just to clarify, I had no favorites here. Like most fans, I was merely interested to see how these Finals will play out, but as it goes, we have been robbed of that in an anticlimactic fashion.
  12. It is a very similar point... While risky, missing a height in high jump saves you both energy and focus for later attempts. By the same token, skipping the slalom tour most definitely helped Gut to hold the apex in her main events. It's basically the same thing you've been saying about Vlhova all season - racing speed events affected her usual SL/GS form. But in the end, none of it matters... It is all about who collects most points, and it is up to FIS to make the distribution of events as fair as possible, and sadly (but not surprisingly) that was not the case here...
  13. That's like saying: "If that high jumper wanted to win, why did she skip earlier heights?". Because there are different approaches to it. Wasting energy and focus on slaloms would not make sense for someone like Gut. It's as simple as that.
  14. Great. So this leads to systemic discrimination of speedsters, since their events are far more likely to get cancelled given the one day window. Thanks.
  15. Can't they just change the order of events? Weather reports are available days in advance...
  16. Apparently Nepal plans to compete in athletics, swimming, karate, judo, shooting, boxing, weightlifting and archery. Obviously, they will not compete in all of these, but perhaps this gives us an indication for possible Tripartite invitations...
  17. First listen completed. Four entries received a hard pass and are eliminated. Upon "further consideration", two more got axed as well, leaving 30 entries. VERY unusual Annual, I'd say...
  18. Men, Stage 2 (semifinals) Gionis - Pitchford Lambiet - Skachkov Women, Stage 2 (final) Xiao - Sawettabut
  19. Well, some justice compared to the last time, when Asian B nations were grabbing European spots left and right due to a certain loophole...
  20. Presumably, they will allocate the Oceanian spots via rankings. Men - ( to gain reallocation) Women -
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