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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Votes just in. Fun fact, I did a couple of my listens while watching dressage competitions from Florida. That's pretty much an equivalent of listening to music while staring at a metronome, so... Draw your own conclusions.
  2. Karen Pavicic popping up in all kinds of articles these days. Last week she qualified for the Lovsta Challenge Finals, which are scheduled for this weekend. Lovsta Challenge is the newly established American version of the Louisidor Cup. And Louisidor Cup is a long-standing German national event, which arguably insures their global domination.
  3. Here are the remaining MER events for eventing. It's changing daily, with cancellations / postponements coming left and right... Eventing 2021 Calendar 26March2021.pdf Notably, although the dealine is June 20th, Millstreet CCI4*-L will end June 6th, and it will represent the final chance for most who are still seeking their qualification...
  4. Congrats once again to Honduras! At this point, they probably can't even remember how it feels to have only 5-6 athletes, like most nations tend to have in this region.
  5. Gotta bookmark this. Curious to know which song scored a point despite heywoodu not really feeling it.
  6. Can you believe that UIPM and IBU were once the same federation? Sure explains why biathlon was a very obscure sport before the late 90s.
  7. Sad to hear that the cancel culture started eyeing Ivan Meštrović's The Bowman and The Spearman (aka the Equestrian Indians) statues in Chicago. And that's in spite of nobody wanting to have it removed (least of all the Native American community of Chicago), as, objectivelly speaking, the statues show nothing but respect towards the Native American heritage. May as well remove it though, if the reward means feeding someone's superior morality complex...
  8. Canada is now where the States were around 2018. A bronze in the ice dance is the best they can do.
  9. Netherlands would have the dumbest NOC ever should they decline that quota. 2005 skater entered Top 16 and became the first Dutch to qualify since 1976. No way they decline that.
  10. Oh well, I guess they had a mental breakdown when they suddenly got defeated by Russians last year... And by suddenly I mean after a 15-minute delay of their score. Not shady at all...
  11. The one and the same Hedi Gharbi is apparently "attempting" to get free passes in two classes for these Olympics Just wow... Will they have to change the entire schedule because of this freeloader??
  12. Since Japan gets their pick, the odds of having the three weakest teams in the same group are as high as 50%. Well, maybe Korea is stronger than Brazil atm.
  13. Which should never be a problem for table tennis. Their singles draws are as uneven as it gets.
  14. Pretty sure the Americans plan to enter the same athlete for both women's events.
  15. Archery is the only sport who got this mixed thing right - allow every nation with enough athletes to take part. I'm disappointed that table tennis, for example, does not allow that.
  16. Russians skated clean and deserved to win. It's always good when technical element score does not get completely nulified by the subjective part.
  17. Yeah, Russians should really work on their programs. That James Bond piece was a snooze. Queen has no place in the pairs event. Sui though is really struggling with her solo jumps. Under rotated 3 out of 4.
  18. T/M again not getting -5 GOE for a downgraded jump. Must be nice being Russians. Hell, they even got positive GOE for a hand down. Nonsense.
  19. Oh well, these American pairs are known to be a sob story anyway. So much potential unfulfilled again and again.
  20. To be honest, it was more fun to follow back when the system was unfair. Top 10 or not, now you know it just does not matter for the Austrians, as their other pair is not expected to deliver at Nebelhorn either way.
  21. They withdrew from the ice dance due to an injury. For Nebelhorn, they stand a better chance in the ice dance than for the pairs.
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