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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Not much. But he did have something to say about doping.
  2. We get an interview with Donovan Bailey on CBC. I'll take that. I could watch his 1996 races on a loop for hours.
  3. From your lips (keyboard?) to god's ears.
  4. Oleksiak! She's only 16. Man, the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.
  5. Wow, Aussies and Kiwis out already. Go Fiji!
  6. Okay, Mexicans. Shut up and let everyone else go. Ridiculous.
  7. Medalists are decided. Now just the order.
  8. The site is now saying "postponed". I guess that means postponed until tomorrow?
  9. Actually just noticed Nadal apparently also has a mixed doubles match today. How is that even possible, three matches in one day (I mean physically, not legally). Does anyone know what the delay is? Weather?
  10. Poor Zupancic. Last match she gets poked in the eye right at the end to lose, and then absolutely dominates, yet loses the next one. I know this will just sound bitter, and I don't know much about Judo, but it looks kind of stupid. I seems like it's just a contest to see who can leg sweep the other. I get taekwondo (esp. having lived in Korea), but Judo just seems like something you would do with your friends when you're drunk.
  11. Zupancic absolutely dominates, yet loses. One second from victory, are you kidding me?
  12. Honestly, I don't know. I don't follow tennis that much. But Nestor has tons of experience and they've been playing well (from my novice eyes). I'll say 50/50.
  13. Maybe good news that Nadal has a singles match today before his doubles match against Nestor/Pospisil. Or maybe it'll just warm him up. Either way I hope it goes as looooooooong as possible.
  14. CBC's fencing feed doesn't show the score or time. And instead of showing our girls in fencing or judo, the main network is showing NZ v GB in men's rugby. Hey, I like rugby, but you're CANADA's network. Maybe Phelps was in the stands?
  15. LOL, the Japanese girl can just gouge out the other girl's eye and everything's fine. EDIT: although I realize it was an accident.
  16. And Zupancic on to the quarters in judo!
  17. I mean, okay fine. They guy is a great swimmer. But he also happened to be born with the perfect form for it, into a family that could afford to let him swim, in the country with the best swimming program, in an event that awards multiple medals for basically the same thing, with teammates that could get relay golds without him. There are much better stories out there than, "Rich white guy wins multiple medals for rich country, again". These are the Olympics, guys. There's dozens of great stories being made every day.
  18. Wake up, turn on CBC, immediately hear Ron McLean say, "We'll check in with you in a minute for the Michael Phelps story!" SERIOUSLY? Seek professional help.
  19. Yeah, it's even more ridiculous now that we see Germany is playing China. The organizers didn't do a very good job with the seeds. Oh well, Canada would have had to beat USA/France/Brazil for a medal anyway. They just have to do it earlier now.
  20. Valiant effort by the Canadians. If they keep it up they could give France and Italy a good go.
  21. Nothing really against him either. But the obsession with him on the CBC is a bit much. Even if they were just talking about his races (while completely ignoring everyone else), that's fine I guess. But here's Phelps looking at someone! Here's Phelps stepping up to the platform! Here's Phelps warming up! Here's Phelps blowing snot out his nose! Here's Phelps blinking! Like holy crap, enough. It's a bit gross at this point. I wouldn't even like it if he was Canadian (but at least then it would make sense). And it's not even like he's new. We know Michael Phelps. We know where he's from. We know he got a DUI. We know what his mom looks like. We've heard all these stories before. Let's talk about, oh I don't know, the guys in second and third, just for a minute or two.
  22. The CBC should be renamed the MPN. The Michael Phelps Network. Seriously, I get it. Enough.
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