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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. I think I found the problem. You guys don´t understand to music at all Bunch of emotional ladies !
  2. I was too busy last week, but I will certainly send something to the music thread in compensation
  3. Nah I know they will lose the final to but don´t want to make them sad already
  4. It is the next world cup champions time to vote ? I feel a small chance of points here
  5. I see France is full preparing for Paris 2024 winning golds right and left
  6. I think you did not understand how it works, the points have to go to the country you ask for
  7. Remember the times when Columbus discovered Americas and Slovakia was on the left side of the standings ?
  8. Frankly: I have no idea, I was probably more surprised than you after You´re welcome, but if you want you can try to return the favor during this TISC
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