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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. The first part of the biathlon qualifying is over But lovers of the Olympic qualifiers, do not despair, tomorrow will start the women's curling world championship
  2. Koukalova win the sprint world cup for only 5 points
  3. FIFA has suspended the Malian Football Federation (FEMAFOOT) for Government interference after the country's Sports Minister dissolved the organisation's entire Executive Committee. The decision was taken by the Bureau of the FIFA Council and their suspension will begin with immediate effect. Last week, Mali's Sports Minister Housseini Amion Guindo sacked the Executive Committee and installed a an Interim Committee to run the FEMAFOOT until a new group can be put in place.
  4. Great day for van Barneveld and awful match for Anderson
  5. Italian team on fire in Aspen! 5 podium in 4 race
  6. I just decided my top 29 In next weeks i'll send my vote, probabily in the last day (how usual )
  7. Alpine Skiing World Cup World Cup Final Aspen (USA) - 13 March 2017 - 19 March 2017 Men's Super-G (6/6) Final Results REICHELT Hannes 1:08.22 PARIS Dominik 1:08.33 CAVIEZEL Mauro KILDE Aleksander Aamodt1:08.55
  8. Alpine Skiing World Cup World Cup Final Aspen (USA) - 13 March 2017 - 19 March 2017 Women's Super G (7/7) Final Results WEIRATHER Tina 1:11.66 STUHEC Ilka 1:12.01 BRIGNONE Federica 1:12.02
  9. Alpine Skiing World Cup World Cup Final Aspen (USA) - 13 March 2017 - 19 March 2017 Men's Downhill (8/8) Final Results PARIS Dominik 1:33.07 FILL Peter 1:33.15 JANKA Carlo 1:33.25
  10. Alpine Skiing World Cup World Cup Final Aspen (USA) - 13 March 2017 - 19 March 2017 Women's Downhill (8/8) Final Results STUHEC Ilka 1:36.95 VONN Lindsey 1:37.61 GOGGIA Sofia 1:37.98
  11. According to exitpolls these are the possible scenarios for form the Dutch government.
  12. Along with the French and German elections probably will decide the future of the Union
  13. Men's Volleyball FIVB World Championship 2018 Various Cities (BUL/ITA) - 9 September 2018 - 30 September 2018 Totallympics Results Thread
  14. According to some analysts the exitpolls, given the unexpected turnout (above 82%), could not be 100% truthful. Unfortunately, if we also see the US elections and the English and Italian referendum, the high turnout could help Wilders. @heywoodu when i can find the official live results? In Netherlands you have a page managed by the state that gives the results of the elections?
  15. Tutto da rifare alla Federazione Italiana Pentathlon. Nonostante un programma valido, il presidente Bittner è decaduto dalla sua carica per via di una massiccia dimissione dei suoi consiglieri. Si sono dimessi per ragioni politiche Colusso (rappresentante dei tecnici), Bertoli e Simonetti (rappresentante degli atleti), e i dirigenti Tiberti, Ercolani e Russo. Sempre restando nell'ambito delle aule e delle carte bollate, il Senato ha respinto pochi minuti fa la sfiducia del ministro dello sport Luca Lotti.
  16. Peter Fill won for the 2nd years the downhill world cup!
  17. Giornata epocale e che rimarrà nella storia dello sci azzurro! Nella discesa femminile Peter Fill, grazie ad un secondo posto, vince la coppetta nella discesa maschile, gara vinta dall'altro azzurro di punta, Dominik Paris. Per Fill si tratta della seconda coppa di specialità consecutiva, un risultato straordinario per il campione azzurro. Quando l'apice delle emozioni sembravasi placato, ci ha pensato Sofia Goggia a farci dinuovo esultare: terzo posto nella disce libera e podio numero 38 stagionale (e record di podi in una stagione eguagliato) messo in bacheca per il super squadrone azzurro.
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