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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Men's Figure Skating +1 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 +3 +1 +2 +2 +3 +1
  2. It's better add 2-3 days or losing a country? So, i think that is better losing time than losing people
  3. Women's Figure Skating +1 +3 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +3 +1 +3
  4. Ah i see it only now, it's cool that they don't know the difference.. and it's stupid that i haven't ceck it
  5. Probabily, we should never trust of Italian public television
  6. If the Italian commentator have right: 3 quotas - 2 quotas - 1 quota -
  7. Osmond, what amazing free! She'll have a lot of components points for me What final of day in Helsinki, amazing
  8. What disaster for Pogorilaya Btw, Medvedeva is an alien
  9. I'm not sure that @Federer91 can compete (anyone remember Germany last year?) Maybe we can have an exeption @uk12points?
  10. Big mistake at start for Carolina At last we qualified 2 athletes at the games
  11. How Singapore can qualify to Olympic games? They haven't athletes it top 24..
  12. Good free for Tursynbaeva I don't expected it... and now c'mon Carolina
  13. No, it's scheduled for this night You can see the schedule and the live score here
  14. Ferrari will join in the next 5 years in Formula E
  15. Niccolò Campriani has announced his retirement from the individual competitions
  16. Niccolò Campriani poche ore fa si è congedato dalle Fiamme Gialle (Guardia di Finanza) e ha annunciato la sua decisione di appendere la carabina al chiodo . Questo è solo l'inizio per un 2017 che si prospetta amaro in vista ritiri (le prossime dovrebbero essere Cagnotto e Dallapè)
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