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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Someone has absolutely been shot. Video circulating of someone being taken from the building by stretcher, surrounded by first responders.
  2. @heywoodu Seeing a couple reports of a shooting now. Perhaps confirming what you shared earlier. I still wouldn’t consider this confirmed though, not until more information is available at least.
  3. I’d be careful sharing Tweets like this. I haven’t seen these allegations confirmed yet, just this one Tweet reporting it. ABC shared this image saying that officers have drawn their guns, but no confirmed reports of any shooting yet.
  4. It’s complete fucking chaos right now.
  5. Judging by the date of my last published article, I clearly have a “slow, holiday mode.”
  6. The still ones are still nice as graphic representations for printed materials and whatnot. I think the animated ones have good possibilities for use in broadcasting, social media, etc.
  7. I really like the animated version of the pictograms. I like the animated pictograms done by both Tokyo and Beijing. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if animated pictograms became the new norm (with still versions still available of course).
  8. Even in California, her home state, support for Pelosi isn’t high. Letting her retain the speakership could prove to be a poor choice for the Democratic Party,
  9. My guess would have been C, becuase MechaGodzilla would have been a pain in the ass to edit in and whatnot before the 70s
  10. So does the Iranian National Football have a nickname then?
  11. Pretty sure that’s a level one question for @Vojthas, since that was his main field of study at university.
  12. There’s so many Americans who wouldn’t even know what that is. Only 30 states + DC require that Sex Ed be taught, and only 22 of those require that the information presented be factually and medically correct. Plus, 36 states + D.C. allow parents opt-out of their children being taught Sex Ed.
  13. I know, I did awful today. In fairness, asking the American for advice on a football question was an interesting choice Biology isn’t one of my strong fields of study either. Apologies. My knowledge would be most helpful in the Humanities, Liberal Arts, and Politics/Current Events. I really do like to think that I am rather good at trivia, but @Quasit has come up with some difficult questions on a diverse array of topics.
  14. I attended Catholic school, so even the flowers were sexually repressed I’m surprised we learned about it tbh
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