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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Half a page on the topic of flower sex, 2021 really is off to an interesting start
  2. I know that the Pistil and Stamen are sexual organs of flowers. I believe the Pistil inserts into the Stamen, which would make me believe the Pistil is the male organ.
  3. We allow many imports in the U.S., piss rocks isn’t one of them.
  4. The expert is going to go on a quick 2.5 km skate, he’ll be back in 20 min Not that the skate itself takes 20 minutes, but I ain’t trying to pull a muscle or worse, so I need some time to warm up
  5. What do you mean? Edit: I know he’s not asking for my “expert” opinion here, but I’m still confused as to what the joke was
  6. After doing a web search for the correct answer (after I gave my advice of course), I’ve never been so happy to see someone go against my advice. I was correct about India though, they are the Blue Tigers @MHSN I gonna need to knew the story/logic behind “Melli”
  7. “Melli” doesn’t sound like it comes from Farsi/Persian to me. It could be Hindi that’s not a bad guess in my opinion. If I’m not mistaken, I think India’s team is that “Blue (something”). It doesn’t look like other romanized versions of Amharic words I’ve seen, but my instinct was to guess Ethiopia. I do not know the correct answer to this question, so I’m just offering my two cents. You should go with what you think is right. I think your guess is as good as mine here.
  8. @Quasit Should I give him my answer, or...?
  9. He was in the middle of writing his advice
  10. The amount of athletes and federations who aren’t even familiar with their sports qualification procedures is astonishing.
  11. Okay, I’ve got a question that I’ve wanted to ask for a while. For those of who speak two or more language (for example: English + Native language), do you only think in your native language, or do you also sometimes think in English, even outside of a conversation or communication with others?
  12. also had female alpine skiers at the 2020 Youth Olympics. I’d imagine they’ll attempt Olympic qualification too.
  13. has an active skeleton athlete on the men’s side, but it’s very unlikely he’ll qualify without the continental quota.
  14. Now that we’ve entered 2021, and there’s the prospect of some qualification events being held in the next few months, I felt like now was a good time to open this thread. Here we will keep a list of NOCs debuting, combing back, returning, and missing from the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
  15. Unless I’m mistaken, I’m now the last Totallympian in 2020
  16. Yeah, it got those vibes too. It’s almost a mixture of Beijing 2008 and Lillehammer 1994. There’s some similarities to Harbin 2009 as well.
  17. I like them. They have a distinct East Asian/Chinese look to them. I like the “positions/poses” they’ve chosen for each discipline. The pictograms do a good job of implying motion. I’ll need a while to warm up to the colors and shape, but I think those aspects of the design will grow on me overtime. My personal favorites are Figure Skating and Bobsleigh. Paralympic pictograms are very well done as well.
  18. Beijing 2022 had the lowest key reveal (that I can remember) of their pictograms today. Here’s ITG’s article: I haven’t been able to find any high quality images of them. Edit: IOC finally posted them:
  19. If I remember correctly, Luxembourg was such an underdog the band didn’t know the anthem and just made something up.
  20. Wrong topic. This belongs in the Fantasy Games thread
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