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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Arrow being finished, Supergirl going into it's last season, Batwoman having an entirely different actress as main character....Arrowverse is barreling towards a bad end
  2. Ah yeah, I had already forgotten that entire race and even that Evenepoel was already so insane he got silver there
  3. Well yeah that part sucks, but that doesn't have much to do with empty stands obviously. Normally half of Ethiopia would be on the stands in Doha.
  4. Well, even with a better profile for him, 44km could well be simply a bit too long. We could see it today already: the first half was destructive, nobody even stayed close, but in the second half he wasn't that (relatively) impressive...imagine if that was only 2/3rd of the total ITT. Too bad the Olympic one will still be a bit short, I'd love to see big ITT's back at least for championships
  5. Coe is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic? Wow, more people should know
  6. A crash-fest circuit for bikes. Right, I'm not even going to wait with crossing out Darryn Binder and Sam Lowes on my bingo card.
  7. And the Amstel Gold Race being held would be decided this week, but that's been postponed to next week and not looking that great.
  8. What did the NTS bikes have for fuel today? Bendsneyder 9th and 8th in FP1 and FP2 out of absolutely nowhere and Biesiekirski has almost found the back of the first guys in front of him No way Bendsneyder keeps this up in the weekend, but I have high hopes for Biesiekirski to move up a position or two.
  9. Whether or not Ganna will be a favorite depends very much on the course indeed. If it's a more normal length ITT (for a championship this one was rather short), his chances get a lot smaller, same thing when it's more hilly. Since a 10-20km ITT can't be expected at a championships, this was absolutely perfect for him
  10. Whoops, Dumoulin losing 10 seconds or so with a wrong move.
  11. I wonder how many people get fooled into thinking he's got dozens of appointments in one day just by the idiotic way this little blog lists every single step Personally I've had an insanely busy day: - Get out of bed - Get out of my bedroom - Go to the bathroom - Do my business - Leave the bathroom - Go to the kitchen - Pick stuff to eat - Go to where I eat my stuff - Eat my stuff - Go back to the kitchen - Put my plate and utensils there And that's only the first half hour or so
  12. Friends in 2018, relationship nowadays, apparently
  13. There still are? No but of course I meant training infrastructure, support, equipment, all that kind of thing
  14. Wow, I had not expected Porte to go back there. He's finally given up 100% now on winning a GT and is satisfied with having reached the podium in the TdF this year? And too bad to see such a talent like Pidcock go there, but yeah that was to be expected. Laurens de Plus was signed as well and, apart from Pidcock probably their biggest hit, Dani Martinez. Again a shame, I'd have liked Martinez to get chances to develop into a nice attacking rider instead.
  15. Syrian guy is looking surprisingly good for someone who - most likely - has incredibly little in terms of infrastructure and facilities.
  16. That's definitely the best Family Club location I've seen @brunamoura
  17. Posting some pictures in a spoiler here would be great, then we Europeans can see them too without hassling with VPN's
  18. The problem isn't CAS, the problem is whoever banned athletes without the full evidence and based on suspicions (even if they're pretty strong suspicions). Like a high judge in normal life, CAS is there to check if the rules of law were followed or not. Of course it's easier to just call everything and everyone corrupt when they don't decide in the way one wished, that's true.
  19. Wow. I mean, everyone more or less expected she'd test positive again some day, but that's not at all what I expected a year ago
  20. Good chance it was a hardware issue indeed, most likely something with the front tyre. One can have amazing or terrible bike-handling skills, when the front tyre goes at that speed going into a curve like that, you're just a passenger on your own bike, sadly
  21. The knee looked incredibly bad, yes. At least pretty soon after the crash we knew she was 'ok' in the sense that she was conscious and talking to medical personell. So yeah, that's Olympic road race gold for Van der Breggen due to Van Vleuten's horror crash and world time trial title due to Dygert's horror crash (or at least in both cases with big help from the crashes, both Van Vleuten and Dygert were of course not entirely certain yet). Makes one wonder....Olympic time trial gold is the only thing missing in Van der Breggen's career now, should Van Vleuten and/or Dygert even start there? Seems rather risky
  22. I knew I could count on you Dutch organizers will try their best to provide Slovakia with a nice location near Apeldoorn.
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