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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It just remains funny how some people are such sore losers
  2. True. Although to be fair, Japan has been the world's number one country for completely weird entertainment since forever, no country in the world would be more fitting to host a pandemic Olympics
  3. Yay COVID-19 That'll teach 'em for kicking out something awesome for that nonsense.
  4. Finally start lists and the full schedule are available!
  5. Good luck finding it. Every single option has very reasonable arguments against them (like the ones you mentioned right now in this case).
  6. The last part of the Arber lap is a downhill (small) followed by a short flat part The start of the lap has a (rather seriously big and scary) climb
  7. Professional idiot Ted Cruz also doesn't really get it yet. I wonder, did he think the Nürnberg Trials were about some local mischief by a few annoying teenagers in a German city, or what?
  8. The above is an excellent reason why I'm glad I'm no politician. No matter which way you look at it or what you decide, it is always wrong, almost more so than in most other topics since there is not a single solution that can be considered even remotely fair.
  9. After Wright's 5th place, there was a second place for the ever-friendly Anna Weidel in the women's race, what a day it was Curious to see the rest of Arber.
  10. Just woke up and took a look at what corrupt bullshit or blatant lies the American president had said/done during the night this time. Apparently, nothing! That's a.....weird feeling after four years
  11. I had hoped for a full schedule, but this is a good start until ISU puts it online, thanks
  12. Highlights of his final speech: "Me, me, me, lies, tremendous, greatest, lies, miracle, they're calling it a miracle, greatest, amazing, me, me, me." The dying ramblings of what is - among experts - unanimously seen as the single worst president in history. It's been...quite a ride.
  13. First time in ages Melania Trump is actually smiling, I guess she is happy she's almost done with all this crap and can go and lead her life Wow, and she even talked a bit. Don't think I've ever heard that before
  14. Also, it was promised four years ago, but 'Drain the Swamp' can now finally sort of begin, because in the past four years the swamp only got filled more and more And of course Mr Corrupt changed some executive orders to make sure certain people can actually keep lobbying, something he himself was against until it could be used in his favour.
  15. What a festive moment, four years of insanity and a presidency based on nothing but lies, obscure bullshit and the idea of making himself a god is over, on to four hopefully boring, normal years Too bad Trump and his creepy family have insane amounts of highly secret knowledge by now, there is no way in hell they are not going to use that for their own gain, as they've been doing with literally everything in the past four years.
  16. 5th place for 18-year old Campbell Wright of New Zealand! It's insane how his shooting has improved over the summer, 0+0, 0+0 and now 0+1+0+0
  17. The organization has now confirmed there will be no spectactors allowed at the world championships At least it ends a month-long time of doubt about whether or not I'd be able to go there and whether or not it would be responsible/smart to go there even if I could (think travel, insurance and so on).
  18. Well that's too bad.
  19. Wow, just read this of my all-time favourite TISC entries. Only 21
  20. Poor young Åsne Skrede, 2nd athlete in the women's relay for Norway, arrived at the prone shooting in the lead group of three....only to miss all eight shots! She had three hits in her standing shooting, meaning she went 3 out of 16 today, damn.
  21. Flipkens is absolutely right. And so is Cornet for calling the whole thing (especially the not being allowed to train) insane.
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