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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Even if Germany plays with their best team and a good preparation, other nations like Brazil can play with their best team and a good preparation as well and have a very decent chance as well
  2. Now let's try and find if we even have any songs since 1 January 2015, I have no idea
  3. I always knew Swaziland had it in them to fight for a good position, but this is even better than I expected!
  4. Wow, I hope Junaid will be able to recover in time. I mean, I guess so, the Oscars are usually awarded in February aren't they?
  5. It would be awesome if Real gets kicked out, especially to destroy all chances of having another "El Clásico" and getting people all pumped up for the 12548th edition of the same match
  6. Well it starts today, so there is still plenty of time to publish the draws
  7. On the other hand, no reason to complain about it afterwards...
  8. This just shows again how weird a format this is. Why not have 2 groups and the top-2 of each group qualifies for Rio.. This quarterfinal system sucks.
  9. Damn, losing against a team that went against all sportsmanship and lost on purpose in their previous match...and losing against them after leading almost the entire match
  10. I guess this only works in the Netherlands...
  11. Alright, a penalty serie for an Olympic ticket. Talking about pressure..
  12. (I guess he hung out with too many Feyenoord fans ) 6-4, come on
  13. Apparently Kosuke Kitajima has announced the end of his career. He swam the Japanese standard in the 100 breast in the semi-finals, but the Japanese rules apparently say he had to do so in the final, which he didn' no Rio for him
  14. 0-2 lead, at least the men have been in the lead unlike the women, no matter what happens
  15. A would have been fine if we were still living in 1920 I guess. D...a flower with a sun, no thanks. I'd go for B, and C as second choice.
  16. It's both sad and pretty cool that a country's only very real chance of qualifying quotas for the Olympics comes in a team sport
  17. So what's the record? Or you mean it has never happened before that Japan isn't represented in the 100 free?
  18. Goal difference (in my opinion) is especially a bad criteria when there are 1 or 2 clearly much weaker teams in the group. I mean, there are teams which can lose 15-0 or 20-0, only depending on the day or something.
  19. Swimming: 1-2 Archery: 1 Athletics: 1-2 BMX: 1 Road cycling: 2 Track cycling: 1 Equestrian: 2-3 Field hockey: 2 Gymastics: 1 Judo: 1-2 Rowing: 1 Sailing: 1-2 Volleyball (including beach): 1 Without geting too deep into it, this is pretty much what I'm guessing per sport for the Netherlands. So after some time, it's still more or less what I thought earlier in this thread
  20. Are you looking forward to the Hell of the North as much as I do?
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