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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2022 in Posts

  1. Team Hellas is perfect
    3 points
  2. Ted

    Welcome to the Greek club!

    Team Hellas κάπως καλύτερο νομίζω;
    3 points
  3. Sindo

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    Floor exercise has already started @thiago_simoes what is the execution score?
    3 points
  4. Here's the article all Feedback appreciated
    2 points
  5. dcro

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    Reportedly, several athletes have suffered from food poisoning. One of our boxers had to withdraw due to severe symptoms which among other things caused him to lose 4 kilos. Just a bad organization or a planned scheme for Algeria to grab more medals?
    2 points
  6. Is really is. There's literally nowhere you can watch the events other than the broken live score system.
    2 points
  7. JoshMartini007


    Canada holds on to win 16-14 over and advances to the final and will play against the winner of or
    2 points
  8. 3 Algerians already in Karate finals out of 4 weight categories
    2 points
  9. λέω το ίδιο, να δούμε τα άλλα δύο μέλη που μπαίνουν επίσης πιο συχνά αν συμφωνούν ή έχουν κάποια άλλη ιδέα -πρόταση @Makedonas @maestro
    2 points
  10. Live results are not-really-live-but-a-few-hours-later-results?
    2 points
  11. Would only be logical, given their financial situation, but Italy and Spain would rather beg the EU for more money than to cut down on nonsensical expenditures like elite sports. Of course it also helped that they reinstalled their doping program. I guess they got tired of being everyone‘s punching bag. Italian Gold medals in athletics at the 2020 Olympics: 5 Italian Gold medals in athletics at the previous 8 Olympics combined: 4 All of a sudden they can even develop world class sprinters like Jacobs or Ceccon.
    2 points
  12. they've been the most exciting world champs ever! jokes aside, we've seen a lot of great races in terms of finals and podium places, the real disappointment were loughable heats and sometimes "easy" semifinals... we've had a few world records and some new youngsters finally reaching the top of the game where they were predicted to be one day or another...the new stars are born... so, despite the early slot in the Summer and the very little promotion and hype prior to the event, I think that in the end it's been a really entertaining championship... my personal highlight, Paltrinieri showing all of his class and character in the 1500m after the the blowdown of the 800m... my biggest regret, the missed super-final in the men's 100m free with Popovici against the "old owners" of the distance, Dressel and Chalmers...that would have been a heck of a race...
    2 points
  13. @DnlIsrael qualified to U20 World Cup in Indonesia! This is going to be “interesting”. If they put the Games in Jakarta, I would try watching it live Let’s see how many people had a stroke after hearing the news
    2 points
  14. Here is a video from my phone
    2 points
  15. There’s a dedicated website for livestreaming. Here’s a link:
    2 points
  16. And she's a world champion! So happy to have her back, even if it's only till the next Olympics.
    2 points
  17. intoronto

    Cycling - Road

    Paula Findlay, former triathlete won the Canadian national Championships time trial. Sort of a comeback for her.
    1 point
  18. One final leg. Itʻs and fighting for the first spot in the Olympic Games. and are still a ways back.
    1 point
  19. Serbia is world champion again 💪💪💪
    1 point
  20. Sadly this isn't something new. There has been a slump for some time now. Tokyo and Beijing still had respectable numbers, but not on the level of previous Games. After Tokyo was the first downtrend, which was always expected, after such a big event and people needing some time off and to take a breather. Usually things rebounded in 2 months for the start of the winter season, but even this last winter season, excluding the Olympics, felt empty for the most part. And then the war came and activity just took a nosedive.. I can add myself to the list of people, that are more busy than before and want to do/watch different things, but i still try to follow and watch the sports as much, as possible. But to be honest, when i come here and see, that there isn't much discussion going on about the different events, i'm not too eager to leave a comment as well and just browse through.. Hope things change and can go back to normal.
    1 point
  21. Και εγώ αυτό προτιμώ.
    1 point
  22. RTVE had it. My stream hasn’t been that stable though. The international coverage of this event has been horrible.
    1 point
  23. Hubert Hurkacz: I’d like to announce that starting tomorrow I am pledging to donate 100 euros for every ace I hit at Wimbledon to help support the people of Ukraine. Hope my serve works well! 🇺🇦#acesforaid
    1 point
  24. How old are you, 10?
    1 point
  25. NikolaB

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    We play with C team here
    1 point
  26. Jesse_Pinkman)

    LETO 2022.

    Bosko Kijanovic je istrčao novi DR na 200m 20.70, jedini rezultat vredan na državnom prvenstvu mada juce je bila kiše pa su zato i lošiji rezultati
    1 point
  27. Gianlu33

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    All team sports are a U18 tournament.
    1 point
  28. gets a bronze in karate
    1 point
  29. Karate In live on ytbe
    1 point
  30. yesss i was so happy to hear that they managed to qualify, I'm sure it will be "intresting" as well, and truely hope everything will go on fine
    1 point
  31. bestmen

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    Sindo is there you will see him
    1 point
  32. medals today in gymnastic+karate
    1 point
  33. phelps

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    he's so lovely!
    1 point
  34. bestmen

    Mediterranean Games 2022

    Slovenia with public
    1 point
  35. One medal, Phelps has 15 individual golds and Ledecky 14.
    1 point
  36. The World Men’s Curling Championship 2023 will be hosted in Ottawa, Canada from 1-9 April 2023 at the TD Place Arena.
    1 point
  37. Canada 3rd in total medals in swimming (11), behind the traditional powers USA and Australia!
    1 point
  38. George_D

    Πόλο (Water Polo)

    Ελλάδα - Γερμανία 16-8 Η Εθνική Ελλάδος με επιβλητική νίκη κόντρα στη Γερμανία με σκορ 16-8 έκανε αυτό που έπρεπε και προκρίθηκε απευθείας στα προημιτελικά του Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου. Τα οκτάλεπτα: 4-1, 5-1, 4-2, 3-4 Ελλάδα (Βλάχος): Ζερδεβάς, Γενηδουνιάς 5, Σκουμπάκης, Καλογερόπουλος 2, Φουντούλης 2, Παπαναστασίου 2, Δερβίσης, Αργυρόπουλος-Κανακάκης 1 , Γούβης, Κάκαρης 1 , Νικολαΐδης 2 , Βλαχόπουλος 1, Τζωρτζάτος Γερμανία (Πόρομπιτς): Σένκελ, Μπόζιτς 2, Κόρμπελ 1, Ρότερντουμ, Σούτζε 2, Τζάνγκλινγκ, Στρέλετσκι 1, Κούπερς, Ντολφ, Κούμπις 1, Σίπερ, Γκάνσεν 1, Γκοτζ.
    1 point
  39. 2017 World Championships: 130 pages of replies 2019 World Championships: 143 pages This year's World Championships: 23 pages
    1 point
  40. Italian sport is like basil on pizza: it's cute, it makes color, but some would like it not to be there. If only in Italy there was a minimum of sports programming and investments...
    1 point
  41. Well-deserved victory for This champs haven’t been the best, but great last day for the indoor tournament.
    1 point
  42. Yeah, and somebody used to say Italian sport is dying.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. George_D

    Welcome to the Greek club!

    we have 2 choices: Team Hellas or Ομάδα Ελλάς lets see the other members what they suggest
    1 point
  45. Sindo

    Welcome to the Greek club!

    In English or Greek letters? Do everybody else agree?
    1 point
  46. You are absolutely disgusted at everything and I can only wonder how sorry of a life you're living to be in a constant state of disgust and unhappiness. Cheers, here's to hoping she wins more medals to annoy you in the future.
    1 point
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