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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Six time wrestling champion - yes, that is one event - Milo of Croton is barely impressed.
  2. Life must be awesome though if the reason for being terribly, terribly sad on the podium is that you only won Olympic bronze instead of your 4th (!) consecutive Olympic gold medal
  3. The combination of the two provinces of South and North Holland For those who don't have anything better to do for 4 minutes or so, this explains it pretty well (including a quick mention of the black gold that is hagelslag, @brunamoura)
  4. The real gold is when you get your hands on some boxes of cigarettes. When all hell breaks loose, they're gonna be worth an absolute fortune when those addicts 'need' to smoke
  5. I've vaguely heard of Hollandaise sauce but would have to google what it is Holland's Got Talent, The Voice of Holland....I would very much prefer that I can forget them
  6. I couldn't care less, it's just factually incorrect One of the main Dutch 'football songs' for the national team goes 'Hup Holland hup' ('Go Holland go', sort of), so yeah And the men's rowing eight is called the Holland Acht.
  7. Biggest surprise here would be that a majority of Americans even knows 'the Netherlands' (or even the incorrect 'Holland') is a country.
  8. I am aware of that, but still it's an even more sorry sight than I had slightly hoped for (and I kind of had the Jizerska Padesatka landscape still in my mind, which was beautiful, but that's already a while back and probably in a different part of the country anyway ).
  9. Tracks in Nove Mesto are looking terrible. In fact, they're almost looking non-existing, it's just a brownish mess of what maybe once was snow
  10. A prison in Köln/Cologne is in lockdown after a new inmate was seen as a suspected carrier. Nobody can leave the prison now!
  11. @kungshamra71 Portugal is in, seja bem vindo!
  12. I've only seen that in football on TV, never in real life (apart from my sister when she talks while eating, but she holds up like one finger as if that covers anything )
  13. Have you guys actually even seen people with masks outside? I can't remember even one in the past 10-15 years or so, apart from maybe an Asian tourist somewhere
  14. Ireen Wüst takes her 7th world title, Patrick Roest his 3rd. And with that, an absolute era in the world of speed skating has come to an end, fucked right up by the ISU themselves. This atrocity of a double world champs in one weekend will be repeated...once every two years, meaning next year will have no allround champion (or sprint) at all, for the first time since 1947, when it was resumed after the WW2 break Thank you for messing up a beautiful sport, ISU. It's been a wonderful run until all kind of circus events got priority over the soul of the sport.
  15. Theo Bos is not retiring yet after all. "Next year the world championships are in Turkmenistan. Nobody wants to go there, so I'm going to get myself a few world titles."
  16. Happy Rebirthday Totallympics Cheers to everyone who's been here since day 1 of the new Totallympics and to everyone who came here after that
  17. The MotoGP season opener in Qatar next week has been cancelled. Moto2 and Moto3 will go ahead, since all the riders and teams were already in Qatar because of a test a few days ago.
  18. 2012 and 2016 RS:X Olympic champion Dorian van Rijsselberghe has announced his retirement after failing to qualify for Tokyo 2020 (i.e. winning only silver at the world championships ). He said he's just not in the right mindset anymore to give everything for the sport and said a gold medal "is worth a lot to me, but not my marriage", so he's going to focus on family life. He's also said he is going to aid Badloe in his quest to be the new Olympic champion.
  19. I'm not much of a follower of Paralympic powerlifting, meaning you must be a big one if I've actually heard of your name, like is the case with Rahman...RIP
  20. I don't know who would have deserved it more though then, it's not like Walther and Lochner were clean four times
  21. John Morgan had to hurry off to catch his plane or what? That's some poor planning It was great to hear him again though
  22. How was it undeserved? He made mistakes, but held them in check better than the others.. And yeah, great we don't have a tie for gold
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