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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Yes yes, I know keeping up appearances because of what others think is a big tradition, here as well
  2. Says the person who got a freaking 4K monitor just because
  3. There's not one day in the year with less sports going on....meaning I've got time to catch up on sports of the past few days So, great.
  4. I genuinely don't understand why someone who doesn't normally go to church would suddenly go on one of those days. But sure, 'what would family say' So very happy I don't care much what my family would say
  5. What do you guys all do in church suddenly? And serious question: why specifically go on Christmas? If one believes in some sort of deity, wouldn't said deity be perfectly fine with a little chat at any moment of the year instead of that one day where half the world suddenly wants to talk to him?
  6. But Santa doesn't even come visit here, the old man visiting to give presents is on 5 December here (and it ain't Santa)
  7. Why post that on a forum when she's right here in the same house?
  8. And of course Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Happy Easter and Happy New Year and an excellent Cake Day and everyone enjoy the 'Cover Everything in Chocolate Day' and yay Movember and hurray Autism Day!
  9. Because fake ones are soooooo 'meh'. They don't smell like a real tree, they don't even really look like a real tree. It's just a bunch of plastic one puts up.
  10. Obviously because of the match and Spain's winning goal after the referee didn't give the Netherlands a corner despite Casillas very clearly being the last one to touch the ball before it crossed the line
  11. If you only decorate the tree this late, when do you take it away? Here we're probably going to burn the thing on 2 or 3 January or something, depending on the weather
  12. I wouldn't say curious is the right word. 'Hungry' might be
  13. Ah yeah, about TV traditions: on the 24th there is the Christmas special of 'All You Need Is Love', where the host gets couples from all over the world (with one being Dutch of course) together for the holidays Not only couples, also for example family members who didn't see each other for years and stuff like that.
  14. Sven Kramer would be high on the list, considering the insane things he did mostly in the early part of the decade (and the last few years of the previous one). Ranomi Kromowidjojo as well, and Michael van Gerwen. In terms of history, absolutely Max Verstappen, even though he didn't win a world title yet. His first Grand Prix win ever, first for any Dutch driver, is one of my all-time sports highlights without any form of doubt in terms of how awesome it felt.
  15. Nobody really celebrates it exactly the same here Some people have an extra big dinner on the 24th, others on First (25) or Second (26) Christmas Day. Or on all of them Also generally one or two of the days involves sort of a bigger-than-usual breakfast with some special stuff. We'll have that tomorrow, in our case these plans depend mostly on my sister's work and her availability (sick children in hospitals don't take a Christmas break, so yeah). I believe tonight we have a big dinner with both her boyfriend and my girlfriend present, so that'll be nice Tomorrow apart from the breakfast we don't have too many plans, this time the whole 'Christmas with family' thing will be on the 26th at, I believe, my uncle and aunt's place. I heard there'll be picanha, so that's good.
  16. Sad thing when something like this influences your day so much (or appears to do so).
  17. Lewis - Webster and Chisnall - De Zwaan, awesome matches today
  18. Congratulations on a good year of prediction contests, I'm happy to see it stayed alive and very much kicking
  19. Yeah she plays two good matches and the media who doesn't have the slightest clue about darts can't stop the hype. Better not read US media when it's about darts At least if you want to get a bit of a realistic picture
  20. Fallon Sherrock kicked out Mensur Suljovic as well :yikes:
  21. What I'd like to see: don't make it the dry kind of reporting Insidethegames usually has. All they do most of the time is just list the medalists and their score (even in stuff like alpine skiing where someone's finish time really doesn't matter, only differences do). The more a report feels like you've actually seen the competition, the more it makes the reader feel like you know what's going on. A little personal detail about an athlete or the race, those things help.
  22. I'm on my way to pick up a certain Brazilian biathlete from the airport so I'm not gonna let myself get pulled in by some decade troll
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