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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Oh no doubt Trump will win again, because Republicans just really, really don't care about laws, constitutions and a president who again and again - clearly proven - puts his personal interest so obviously above everything else. I have no doubt he'll win, and obviously he won't be removed from office in the Senate because, again, Republicans turn a blind eye to his proven impeachable offenses. Yes, plural. Anyhow, talking to Republicans about Trump having committed impeachable offenses (it's just proven, again, and again) is like talking to someone who thinks a decade starts in year ...1: it's just utterly useless, like talking to a big brick wall - an actual wall, not Trump's baby fence of a wall.
  2. No idea how it is there, but here, whenever there's some little piece of news like "Teenager robbed on the street", "Old lady stabbed", "Guy beaten to death" or just a lot more "X robbed by group of people"-kind of items, one can basically just guess the description of the people police is looking for...8 out of 10 times it's more or less the same. Which is why it's also dangerous for people (mostly at the very left of the spectrum) to keep telling that people shouldn't focus so much on that.
  3. Obama: had policies you don't agree with --> HE SHOULD GO TO JAIL Trump: more or less admitting he's perfectly cool with sexual assault, a ton more claims against him, proven law breaker, impeachable offenses stacking up, being supported again and again and again by people who have nothing to gain (and some actually only having a lot to lose) by doing so --> "Nah no problem, it's a witchhunt!" It's just really unbelievable.
  4. Step 1: cause a shitload of problems all over the world Step 2: ignore the results of said problems and let other people waste away because of them #winning
  5. My next 'official' run will be at the Zandvoort circuit at the end of March, a bit over a month before the first Dutch F1 Grand Prix in more than three decades will be held there My sister is training for it (starting from 0) so we can run the 12k there together, which basically is a lap of the track (awesome!!) and then a lap in the village and 2-3km over the beach (not awesome). It's to collect money for children with heart diseases, so it's easily worth some suffering during training - after all, who are we, both healthy people, to complain when there's 5-year olds dying of a messed up heart?
  6. I might try to see if running 100 meters is possible on January 1st. This year it definitely wasn't But awesome, 14 June as well then? I hope Aarhus has live timing as well, all our fans can follow The Race between us then This is some great motivation though, it's on!
  7. An immigrant is an immigrant, yes. Be that as it may, there are still legal pathways and there are differences between legal and illegal immigrants.
  8. Where can I find the nuanced sides? You know, the "No, we shouldn't keep everyone out" and the "No, it is not a good idea to just let everyone come"?
  9. Let me guess: "Everyone should stay away!" vs "Everyone should be allowed to come!"
  10. The world's leading crybaby nation strikes again
  11. Apparently the gates were already closed and all the lights outside were already off
  12. Btw, 10:00 was not possible.....because the Dutch team and the referees had their flight scheduled by then Oh the joys of barely professional sports
  13. Apparently there are three options: - The match will be played in January in Spain (1) or the Netherlands (2) - IIHF will decide who wins
  14. What if someone is 6cm offside and people start with 'yeah but that's only 1cm outside of what's allowed, come on.."?
  15. Oh boy. Teenage skiing sensation Henry Sildaru suffers torn ACL
  16. This, on the other hand, is the excruciating typical image people have here of the forced thought of having to spend at least one of the days with family (don't really need to understand much Dutch for it)
  17. And Mikuru Suzuki had a serious chance for the first ever women's win, but threw it away. Awesome 151 finish early on and a great comeback from 2-0 down, but Richardson finally held his cool. Sort of.
  18. Before eventually finishing it off. Cross out, Smith out, damn
  19. Dear Lord, 6 pages or so overnight. Just before going to read everything: it's someone sucking Trump's dick vs someone who doesn't? Because if so, I can save myself the time of reading that
  20. Apparently the decision to continue NED - ESP at 10.00am today has been changed to no decision at all being made yet, so we'll wait and see. The problem happened while the Zamboni was working in the first break: it pulled a long 'hole' in the ice According to the Dutch guy there I'm in contact with, after one hour of waiting there was not a single beer available anymore around Camp Nou, captain Joey Oosterveld was man of the match for NED and the Spanish MotM was 'not the ice master'* *in Dutch it's ijsmeester (literally 'ice master'), I don't know the correct English term for whoever is in charge of the ice.
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