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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Dutch athletes who reached standards so far (athletes in bold got the standard, athletes not in bold might be able to do it. It's in Dutch, but I think the meaning of most events is clear looking at the numbers. Speerwerpen = javelin, kogelslingeren = hammer throw)
  2. Yes! Those kind of things are just on Eurosport here but dear Lord they're annoying
  3. Just as extremely annoying as "Thai...smooth as silk"
  4. I thought it might be good to have a general chat thread, just for all kinds of stuff and for some general talk We didn't have it on the old forum, often resulting in these kind of things ending up in all kinds of other threads
  5. Junior WCH was in Cheile Gradistei in Romania a bit more than one month ago (Gabi Neres and Caio Moreira were there, Bruna Moura is no junior anymore since this season)
  6. Would've won 300 euro if Ukraine finished on the podium
  7. Silver for Theo Bos, awesome 11th World Champs medal
  8. Awesome, moving avatars are working
  9. IBU, why did you change the lay-out of the graphics? I can't handle this
  10. And the world championships are underway
  11. I think it will work fine if you just ask Sindo "Can I open a discussion thread in section *insert-sport*?"
  12. On a more serious note: you have to ask Sindo to give you the rights to open a discussion thread in a certain section through PM
  13. You can only open threads when you have less than 10 posts, but unfortunately you already have more
  14. I'm pretty sure it's the same page, but updated (only after Beijing they decided to do Rio too )
  15. As for the Netherlands, Inge Janssen still has 3 competitions in which she has to score 305 points at least twice. If not, she's not going to Rio.
  16. Like mentioned before: we have spoilers now, so I guess it could be possible to do something like this: "Results World Championships "
  17. Sorry, but if someone would ask me for the home of Nordic sports, there is absolutely no doubt I would say Holmenkollen
  18. The Brazilians are in the IBU Cup because they haven't qualified for World Cups yet, but I have absolutely no doubt that, if one of them would qualify, they would immediately make their World Cup debut To do that an athlete needs a certain score in a race in the IBU Cup and this standard is a lot tougher than the qualifying standards for world champs and Olympics.
  19. Did you see China in the single mixed at the Youth Olympics? Now that was one of the best biathlon races I have ever seen As for GB, I believe they have basically no money. At all...
  20. No worries, when discussing about big events, there's no doubt the medal winners will be posted anyway because people will be watching it live
  21. Hopefully next season we will have Brazil back at the World Championships (which is a little bit the goal)
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