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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. What an absolutely wonderful final race of these World Championships, wow
  2. Fourcade is a monster. I still don't like him and I never will probably, but damn, the man is a legend
  3. Does anyone know why Belgium could compete in the men's relay yesterday? Is it because Michael Rösch got a sub-150 points and qualified or are there more additional rules?
  4. Competition cancelled in Titisee-Neustadt Also meaning that all celebrations and everything for Kasai's 500th individual World Cup start were in vain, because his 500th will come in the next competition then
  5. I agree especially with your number 2. Don't get me wrong, I find it very important to have a lot of results from especially smaller sports and competitions. Federations like FIS and IBU already have their own, much better results databases and sports like athletics and cycling have a thousand sites where it's easier to find what you want. However, many federations have a very messed up way of putting results online and so having them on the forum is extremely useful. My one and only complaint is the huge lists of results and flags and huge letters and colours and everything that makes some threads look like a children's website project and completely the opposite of a place where you can discuss as well. With spoilers it's much "cleaner" and you still have all results (which I find important, I love the results of smaller sports).
  6. But in that case major events should have 2 threads: one in which only results are posted and nothing else, and one for discussion. Because threads of major events in which huge lists of results are posted become almost unreadable for some people (my browser often nearly exploded with the overload of results and moving flags and everything)
  7. Definitely true! As a big Dahlmeier-fan I can be nothing else but very, very happy with these World Championships Especially the way she stayed with Makarainen on today's uphills was impressive.
  8. Fantastic race for Laura 5th medal in 5 races, wonderful job
  9. That's weird, I was sure I had selected the Nordic combined Anyway it should have 1 vote, because I would definitely vote for it
  10. Imagine there is a competition with 100 participants at a World Championships. Why would you not post the top-3/6 in the normal way and put the rest in a spoiler? If you don't put them in a spoiler --> You need to scroll past all 100 names to go to the next post If you put them in a spoiler --> You only have to scroll past one sentence that says "This is a spoiler, click to see it" (or something like that) but still all 100 names are there.. I just honestly don't know any argument why not to use this spoiler option for bigger results than say 3 names.
  11. By the way, apologies for the long sentences, I could have chosen a bit better way
  12. There's quite a lot of discussion about the posting of results and medal tables and how that's supposed to happen. To get a bit of an idea what everyone's opinions are, I think a poll could help out a little. Of course there are probably more options possible, I only tried to get the most "common" options together. It's possible to vote for more than one option, so at least select 1 Results and 1 Medals option please
  13. This "Ignore user" button is already proving very useful for me The only problem is that when you ignore user X, you still see user X's posts when someone quotes user X (like you see your post quoted in this post of mine). Apart from that, it's really good, instead of a post, there's only an almost invisble notification saying something like "You have chosen to ignore the posts of user X". I'm really hoping you'll be around a little come the Olympics, I've always very much appreciated your invaluable knowledge on Iranian sports (especially weightlifting and wrestling).
  14. Malawi says they will have 2 athletes in Rio, so I'm guessing these must be the invitational spots?
  15. Fourcade has finished race-mode and switched to calm training-mode
  16. Slovakia keeps the lead, what on earth is happening
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