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Everything posted by dcro

  1. But that's like the whole point. Olympics are one tournament and Thiem is rich as it is. And to reiterate... Despite all this big talk about tennis players being above the Olympics, in the end very few of them choose to skip it. Nadal, Federer, Djokovic, Murray never missed it as far as I know. So, yes, I can see only selfish reasons behind such decision. In particular since Austria is consistently at risk of finishing with 0 medals.
  2. And not just that. I hate it when golfers and to a lesser extent tennis players pretend to be above other athletes with their typical statements like "Olympics is athletics and swimming. I'd rather watch it on TV than take part."
  3. Oh come on... It takes a village to make a world-class sportsperson. Everyone knows that. Thiem did not became US Open champion by himself. Therefore skipping the Olympics for some selfish reasons definitely qualifies as disrespectful behaviour towards his country and home fans. Because, mark my words, he never would have won the US Open had he been born in Eswatini or Uruguay.
  4. Thiem is at whole another level. Almost all of the other top players do take part at the Olympics, after all. For a player of such rank and wealth as Thiem, there is simply no valid excuse for skipping the Olympic tournament...
  5. Indeed, for a mediocre cycling nation, France has a very high success rate in this redundant polka dot classification.
  6. And yet Thiem still plans to enter some B-tournament over the Olympics...? Ugh, I could never care about his titles then. It's not like Austria has many medal chance (at all).
  7. Probably some AI assumed you enjoy stalking @heywoodu or something.
  8. Polka dot jersey, correct me if I'm wrong here, is just a side show designed to make France win something.
  9. No mention of the ambulance whatsoever, but at least he is alive?
  10. Interesting... So it's that easy to take a rival out of the race and get away with it?
  11. Srećko Stiglić, 77, 1972 hammer throw
  12. Ah, those innocent times when Guam was allowed to enter a squad for team pursuit at the Olympics.
  13. Speaking of Aachen... Why not just visit Aachen intead of the whole South Holland?
  14. Right. Aren't you the one who always complains about boring, long, flat stages?
  15. Trump got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  16. Yeah, even ignoring that the film is a Disney remake ala money-grab, Crystal Liu is reason enough to boycott it.
  17. I would disagree with that. The movie is quite fun in the final analysis. Does your collegue happen to be one of those "having fun is for losers" believers?
  18. India officially overtakes Brazil. Although, with so few testing being performed, it's quite clear that India is actually the most infected place in the world...
  19. You often make it sound as if you are the only one going through stuff though (hint solipsism). Do you really believe things are any different for other journalists? Or for generations other than Gen Z? Or for any other groups you tend to distance from yourself in these statements?
  20. Not just a Russian, she is also a convicted doper and a well-known case of a running race walker. She should be uneligible for any kind of records.
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