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Posts posted by uk12points

  1. 2 hours ago, toulousain said:

    Did they give an explanation why it would be ok for british women to have a team and not for men ? I'm curious.

    Yes, basically it is much more important for the exposure of women's football and FA's of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland agreed. For the men Premier league football clubs opposed an additional tournament and it was not deemed as important for the exposure of the sport.

  2. 53 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Controversy about the British suits, which have some sort of 'spoilers' built into and, and a sort of coating over it. There has been protest against it from several nations, because it's apparently rather simple as to what is allowed: nothing. No coating, no 'spoilers' under the suit, nothing. Let's see if IBSF decides to do something...probably not, but alright.

    I thought my comment about the sled would throw you off the scent!! Apparently the same technology was used in 2010 and 2014 Olympics before by Team GB so it should be ok, it's the same suits material our track cyclists wear at the Olympics and nothing else, looks like Skeletons the same!

  3. 9 minutes ago, dcro said:

    Of course it's the 4th place for :NZL.


    It's pretty worrying how few nations we could have at the final medal table...

    I was thinking that today with Poland, Hungary, New Zealand, Belgium, Belarus and Slovakia missing good chances already, we could end up with about 22/23 nations with medals at the end, that would be a huge shame. 

  4. Just now, rybak said:

    I don't like this song :/ Asanda would be much better choice...

    I did agree with you before tonight, but Asanda's voice wasn't great and the dancing/staging didn't lift the song at all, it was much better on radio and very messy on TV. SuRie's performance was powerful and really got the crowd going, which really hepled her come across well on TV. Asanda may have done better in Lisbon, but SuRie was the best tonight.

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