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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2021 in Posts

  1. I really don't understand what people want. If Russia wins everything, this sport is a mess, it should be removed from the Olympics, the world is doomed. If Russia loses the gold medal, this sport is a mess, it should be removed from the Olympics, the world is doomed.
    5 points
  2. Amazing SOG for Canada. There were disappointments, as there always are. But there were also triumphs and unexpected surprises. The women getting gold in soccer will be forever stamped onto Canadian sports history. I was occupied right at the end of the Games, having to cut my summer vacation short to return to Beijing as there is a covid outbreak in this country now and things have returned to high level (well, officially "medium" but it would be considered high level for others. We're not getting locked into our apartments yet). I delayed going through security in the airport on my way back to watch Mitchell win her gold on my phone. I watched the rowing pair get bronze at the feet of the largest stone Buddha in the world. The women beat the US while I sunbathed by the pool in a rainforest environment. I witnessed Maggie MacNeil get her gold in front of pandas at a breeding house. China has problems, very serious problems, but it's a beautiful country. CBC had excellent coverage as usual. Our athletes performed at unprecedented levels. Can't wait for Beijing 2022! I'm here waiting! Screw you covid, we better be able to go to the events. That's a big reason why I took this job. Countdown is on! I'm so hyped right now!
    5 points
  3. Rumours that the Paralympics will be cancelled this week due to cases rising in Tokyo and the government popularity continuing to drop.
    4 points
  4. Most disgusting event in the Olympic history. Two individual events without individual medals, but rather with some fabricated mixed propaganda podium.
    3 points
  5. I am quite grateful that Japan successfully host this very different OG despite all kinds of difficulties including internal protests and rapidly changing COVID situation. It is not wonderful since there is no spectators but it's respectful to fulfill its commitment to the international society. So I would not ask too much from Japan, on the contrary I am grateful of what they offered. I am not satisfied with the creepy opening ceremony and I don't like Japanese athletes sometimes over-scored on sports judged by referees. But when it all ends, that feeling is just let go. I began to appreciate that it's quite difficult to host the games with so much pressure and you can't require the host to benefit 0 with so much cost. So I would like to sincerely thank Japan. It provided a wonderful stage for athletes and provided so much joy, excitement, up and downs for fans. Arigoto Nippon . Lastly hope we can have spectators in Beijing 2022. If so I will wave my hands in TV.
    3 points
  6. Day 2 added. Post above. Links for each day in the OP of this thread. Day -2, -1, 0 and 1 are complete with every single race of the day, however In Day 2 we sadly miss 3 videos, for some reason the Evening Swimming Heats session (is the only Tokyo 2020 missing Swimming session in the video replays) and also the matches on Court 1 in Badminton are missing in both morning and evening sessions, hopefully they will be added soon. Everything else is available. Good watching everybody ! Day 3 will be added tomorrow, need some rest now
    2 points
  7. 95% of my enjoyment comes from gymnastics events. I don't think we've ever had an edition of the Olympics with more surprises and dramas than Tokyo. Some of the highlights: 1) Simone Biles showed huge character by stepping out of most of the finals. I've become an admirer after such strength. 2) ROC winning two team events surprising everyone. 3) Gold medal for Brazil, of course. 4) First-ever medals for Armenia, New Zealand and Turkey. 5) Drama, tears and crazy results in rhythmic gymnastics, with ROC this time losing both events. Seriously, I couldn't have asked for more. I liked this edition and it's been the best ever OG for me. Yes, it would have been even better if spectators were allowed, but given the situation, Japan did a good job. I have lots and lots of complaints about the Japanese government and their lack of responsibility by failing to vaccinate the population, but this has nothing to do with the Olympics per se. I enjoyed skateboarding a lot, and it has become one of the top 5 sports for me. I didn't like surfing at all. Karate was an absurd and unnecessary addition, in my opinion, and I'm glad it will probably never return to the program. I'm also glad Baseball will be gone, hopefully for good. The only thing I miss is that there isn't an specific athlete this time that can be recognized as the face of the Olympics, like we've had with Bolt and Phelps. For me, I guess it will be Biles. She proved that competing at the Olympics is more than going for medals. Respect yourself first and foremost is the most important message one could deliver.
    2 points
  8. How nice, same thing as with track cycling and GB. Russia just assumed they will be the masters of rhythmic gymnastics for all times...
    2 points
  9. @thiago_simoes sindo is making almost everything in TO , so sindo should be removed from forum
    1 point
  10. USA wins everything in basketball, so basketball should be removed from Olympics
    1 point
  11. If I am not wrong the Kiteboarding event will not be mixed anymore... it will have events for men and women
    1 point
  12. normal since France will be the next host! Also Messi in PSG, PSG possible Champions League winner for 2022. Great days for Paris coming!
    1 point
  13. Only 66.3% of the Spanish population (30M) watched the Olympics. It is the smallest share since we started collecting TV data in Barcelona 92. The record goes back to Sidney 2000 with 93.3% of the population watching at least one event.
    1 point
  14. The boy from Bratislava!
    1 point
  15. 74% of Canadians watched the Olympics
    1 point
  16. "Thirty-million cricket fans live in the USA" That's obviously not even remotely true.
    1 point
  17. our medalists are home and received quite a party in Šamorín Sabbatini in the big flag got bathed in champagne
    1 point
  18. Interestingly this is something I see as positive, personally. Whereas the Olympics used to be promoted as a sort of 'Phelps/Bolt going for more glory, and oh yeah, there's a few other little thingies as well', this time that wasn't the case for this exact reason.
    1 point
  19. I'd definitely name An San as one of my highlight athletes. Three gold medals is a first in archery thanks to the mixed competition at just 20 years of age in this mentally tough sport. But yeah, archery is just second-tier. Most sports will always fall short on attention behind swimming, athletics, gymnastics.
    1 point
  20. Rumors saying the format will be a 35 km race walk M & W mass start event at the same time, but after the race the times for the 2 best males and 2 best females of each country will be counted. source: Alfons Juck.
    1 point
  21. I doubt he´ll be still around in 3 years, he was already the oldest competitior in Tokyo at 45. But in other hand, he may be the most hated person in the world pro golf circuit but he is also an incredible fighter and warrior, the way how he did not give up at all and played that record in the last round despite being far away behind after Day 3 was just one impressive sign of determination. For me the "remontada" of the whole games with a fully deserved but absolutely illogical and hardly believable medal, he probably was the only one to believe on it, or maybe even not
    1 point
  22. Here you go:
    1 point
  23. Sindo

    Ireland National Thread

    Of course I understand it. As right now you are 3 active Irish users, it would not make sense to create a sub-forum just for you. Maybe it would if one day the Irish community would grow so much that writing here in the national thread would not be enough for you anymore and you would like to have different sections and threads to talk about Irish athletes results, medal prospects etc. Also, being English your language it makes it less useful than for other nations, where they could also gather users who are not active here because they don't speak English or feel shy to write in another language.
    1 point
  24. Tickets to the olympics is the most confusing and frustrating thing ever, I was thinking about going to Rio.
    1 point
  25. the judge was from Ukraine. So no surprise..
    1 point
  26. So let’s go all of us and buy things in group-rate! !
    1 point
  27. Well, it won't stop Israel from handing out nationality to Russian Jews though. I feel like 90% of Israeli gymnasts and figure skaters are basically Russian or Ukrainian Jews to begin with
    1 point
  28. I just realised we are drawing ever closer to the next big event of the year (after the Paralympics of course ).....
    1 point
  29. @Sindo i saved you again!
    1 point
  30. Any news about which ten classes will appear on Paris 2024? We will have new manmade OR and WR soon again.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Flydon is only ultra dedicated person to do such job. I had him in mind n he volunteered for it.
    1 point
  33. 1. Boomed out early 2. Russia’s performance deserved the gold 3. 200m fly got it and breaking OR 4. got it with PB 5. Bronze medal is already a breakthrough for men’s rowing
    1 point
  34. At first I didn't really feel excited. There was too much negativity revolving around the games and Covid, I didn't expect there to be a great atmosphere. Then came the first matches in softball and football before the opening ceremony, still didn't feel much. It all got better with the opening ceremony for me and all of a sudden, I got excited. It was the Olympics after all and the organisers did their best to make them happen. I was telling myself before, I would not change my sleeping schedule. In the end, I didn't, but I couldn't really sleep on the night towards the first day. I checked the first result online and then I got up and I was hooked immediately. Gone was the negativity the months before. And it felt like there were no spectators needed. The athletes created the tension and emotions all by themselves. Literally everyone was crying, over 4th place as well as the bronze. Daria Bilodid's bout comes to mind. Eventually, we got to see two weeks of exciting sports, shifts and turnarounds in the medal table. Many records were broken, many nations had their best games ever (some not, of course). About the new sports, I enjoyed all of them. There's none I would say they shouldn't return. Softball/baseball is one of my favourite team sports now, even if they take a while. Not to mention one of the less Euro-centric ones which is also nice to have. Skateboarding I fully enjoyed but definitely park more than street. I expected street to be more than just a bit of "slopestyle". Sport climbing too of course, and we can all agree on having to separate speed from lead/boulder. The combined format was not the greatest. Behind those three comes karate. Someone said it's more exciting than judo and I can see that. This time, judo felt like it dragged on too much with a lot of golden score decisions. Definitely wouldn't mind karate returning. The only slight problem I had was following the surfing. It's relaxing to watch but on busy days with tons of stuff going on I didn't feel like waiting for the waves to come. It's still nice to have it but it certainly didn't get my priority here. More about specific teams to follow later. All in all a better Olympics than I thought they would be. Sorry Japan didn't get to show its full potential here, but still. Arigatou Tokyo.
    1 point
  35. I don't mind taking it on.
    1 point
  36. here we go .finally this gold is coming to us . fully deserved it . incredible. after the first rotaion i was sure if go without a mistake in the second ther was no turning back. impressive last few days, like we entered in the olympics a little bit too late . thanks girls
    1 point
  37. Quickly scrolled through because somehow I had a horrible feeling that there would be an "Totallympics will end after Tokyo" post Nothing like that, the relief is huge. Now I'll read
    1 point
  38. Mariya Lasitskene wins HJ gold with 2,04! Big "fuck you" for IOC after she was unable to compete in Rio
    1 point
  39. The Russians are probably fuming of anger that someone else dared to win in their own sport. The "offending" judges may expect a nice package in the mail with some polonium (a la Litvinenko) or Novichok (a la Skripal)....
    1 point
  40. Sarolta Kovács had thrombosis this year and now she's an Olympic medalist. Bravo! (And damn, Gulyás would have fought with French for the gold, if.... maybe next time)
    1 point
  41. SILVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  42. Say what you will about skateboarding, they don't randomly give some of the 12 year old girls a skateboard that just doesn't work.
    1 point
  43. yeah go ahead, blame me for everything, for bad shooting coverage, rubbish horses... what will be next ? not working antisex beds ?
    1 point
  44. Osmany Juantorena (volleyball) announced today his retirement from the NT
    1 point
  45. Theodoros Iakovidis (weightlifting) announced his retirement after finishing 11th in Tokyo. This was his second Olympics after also being in Rio. However this might not be the end of his career. He was crying in an interview about not having money/support which went viral in Greece and now he is suddenly famous with 200k+ followers on Instagram, more than double Ntouskos and Tentoglou (who both won gold medals for us this year) combined. So maybe now he will get more support and be able to continue his career?
    1 point
  46. Joshi

    Athletes Retirements Thread

    Mahe Drysdale (Rowing, Single Sculls) 2x Gold and 1x Bronze Olympic Medallist including 5 golds and 3 Silvers at the Rowing World Champs all in Single Sculls has officially retired as of today. One of the greatest single oarsman to have ever competed in history. Father time has caught up with him.
    1 point
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