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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Philippines wins the first ever Olympic gold medal in its history!
    8 points
  2. Yessss!!!!!! GOLD Medal for the Philippines!!! ?????? Thank You!!! ??????
    6 points
  3. At least here in Brazil, skateboarding was a HUGE hit and I'm sure Brazilians will RIOT if it gets removed from the Olympics. I agree that the format of the competition is not great, though. This is the Olympics, not some random best trick competition. Both runs should count, with no discarded scores, and three out of five tricks should also count. And even though two Brazilian skateboarders got medals, Brazilian fans are in love with the Peruvian male skateboarder and the Filipina skateboarder. This sport needs some adjustments, but I have to say it's now one of the top 5 Olympic sports I'm going to watch, with or without Brazilians competing.
    5 points
  4. Two medals in day 3 along with our first gold. Day 4 may also be another good looking day for us with medal chances in baseball/softball (women's softball), diving (women's synchronized 10m platform), judo (men's -81kg, women's -63kg), swimming (women's 100m backstroke) and weightlifting (women's -64kg).
    4 points
  5. GOLD in fencing! And for the first time since 1980 Italy doesn't win any fencing gold medals in the individual events...
    4 points
  6. Hancock, an absolute top top Olympic legend now, 3 times Olympic champion in men's skeet!
    4 points
  7. What a crazy performance from MacNeil. So happy given all the pressure she must have been under. In her interview with NBC she mentioned that she believes being in an outside lane helped her focus because she wasn't able to see her competitors at all.
    4 points
  8. I don't know how you but I'm very happy of and medals
    3 points
  9. street skateboarding must go only because they left Leticia out of the final... how can man do something like that??? poor Leticia... p.s. yes, I have her instagram page among my favourites on my PC...just above Camila Giorgi and Jutta Leerdam's...
    3 points
  10. Listen, I'm 33, I definitely don't know what kids like these days, but I think it's more likely they're into something like this than, let's say, Modern Pentathlon. Of course being from an "older" generation, I like all the traditional Olympic sports, but the inclusion of new ones doesn't bother me that much.
    3 points
  11. After Day 3 Rio: 40/306 events, 38 NOCs with medals After Day 3 Tokyo: 50/339 events, 51 NOCs with medals Japan, the USA, China and Russia all going very well so far. Compared to Rio, they all have collected more golds already. Especially Japan, as expected. Some dents in the US team (if you can call it that in swimming) and a subpar day for China with no gold won. The silvers in weightlifting, diving and table tennis were mostly expected to be golden. Australia has gained momentum in the pool but only there when in Rio, medals (4-0-3) were won across many sports. Italy surely disappointed with no individual fencing gold and it also looked a bit brighter 5 years ago in general (same amount of medals but 3-4-2 in alloy). Also Hungary (3-0-0) and, interestingly enough, Thailand (2-1-1) have dropped a bit. Significant improvements compared to Rio by (1-1-2). Canada (0-1-3) and France (0-1-0) can be mentioned as well. Historical first gold for the Philippines. The biggest disappointment as to what was anticipated (so far) still the Dutch team but also thanks to reasons we know. 4th place counter* (4) (3) (2) (1) and the Refugee Olympic Team *5th places in events that award two bronze medals
    3 points
  12. And there is the first ever gold for the Philippines.
    3 points
  13. wins another bronze in men's 80 kg 15 minutes later
    3 points
  14. prso1000

    Croatia National Thread

    Izgleda da će Dodig i Jurak igrati mixed u tenisu, barem stoje na entry list.
    3 points
  15. Wearing masks at the ceremony (but not the competition) is apparently deemed as sending the right message. Even though all these athletes tested negative this morning etc. One wonders how skateboarding without helmets qualifies as sending the right message as well, but alright.
    3 points
  16. 1st gold medal, let's go!!!
    3 points
  17. 2 points
  18. This is pretty cool
    2 points
  19. Turn up & swim a length would be my advice.
    2 points
  20. this is why I never care about social media and almost never use it. too many stupid kids out there. and unlike what you guys may think this is not a serious thing for them. some kinds of trolling. most of comments are jokes. they try to beat each other in writing stupid jokes. it's just wasting time for them, nothing serious. even if Kubiak comes to Iran tomorrow most of these kids will line up taking photograph with him. this is not out of anger. this is just stupidity. I think this "culture" started with Messi and 2014 World Cup draw. (while he is extremely popular here like every other place in the world) I remember when Dimitri Payet injured C. Ronaldo in Euro 2016 final, the same thing happened to his social media pages. and you can see both Payet and Ronaldo have nothing to do with Iran. some kids do this and invite their stupid friends to follow and like a snowball it gets bigger and bigger. bottom line. don't take what's happening in social media seriously
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. The 98kg + 128kg lift was more than enough for Gold. Her last 2 lifts in the CJ were crazy! Thanks @Fly_like_a_don?
    2 points
  23. I really, seriously, need all of the argentinian teams and athletes to be eliminated as soon as possible in order to start enjoying the games. This game traumatized me.
    2 points
  24. Saw this coming more than a month ago . @PHI2019 @Tigercub
    2 points
  25. That was FANTASTIC! Congratulations !!!
    2 points
  26. Japan wins the gold medal in the mixed doubles!
    2 points
  27. Will this be a day with China losing in diving, weightlifting and table tennis.
    2 points
  28. Not sure if this was a late comeback or a total choke. But either way, gold medal!
    2 points
  29. She does it!!! Goodbye Chinese sweep
    2 points
  30. Last olympic medal for won Vilem Goppold in 1908!!!
    2 points
  31. Men's foil gold for O.o Only the second Olympic gold ever for Hong Kong.
    2 points
  32. Bronze for Kanaet
    2 points
  33. Kanaet wow What a comeback after losing the quarterfinal 22:0 !
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Ono defends the title after 11 minute battle!
    2 points
  36. Crolympic

    Croatia National Thread

    Against for bronze
    2 points
  37. So far is the only country that can stop in judo.
    2 points
  38. By then Bach will have ensured we have to have a male and female lighting the cauldron so we can make that happen too
    2 points
  39. Really depressed but Britain is well deserved the Gold. Congrats to
    2 points
  40. I think you guys could have a better impression if the Men's competition was today... The level of Women's is still very low, it needs to improve a lot yet And I agree that this format of competition could be changed at least. I watched the Worlds here in Brazil in 2019, and it was one of the best skateboarding competitions ever (for men and women). I just believe that the performance on this competition was not so satisfatory as it could have been. I dont think so, Skateboarding is already confirmed for Paris.
    2 points
  41. The format favours high risk since you can drop 3/7 scores which gives the impression that the event is of low quality. I found the trick portion to be a bit boring and I feel it devalued the run portion which I feel should be given greater preference. I would prefer something like three runs and taking the combined score of the top 2.
    2 points
  42. Nothing beats hearing your country's National Anthem during a medal ceremony at the Olympics
    2 points
  43. What a clutch race from MacNeil. I am speechless.
    2 points
  44. YES GOLD MEDAL!! Wow that was nerve wracking
    2 points
  45. I love finals where basically 7 out of the 8 have a more or less realistic medal chance beforehand and where it turns out to indeed be very open Excellent start of the evening!
    2 points
  46. According to our commentators yesterday, there are fixed values for the tricks and judges score how well these are performed according to how much they're worth. I agree that it's not immediately clear which tricks are harder, but maybe it's because of lack of familiarity. One of the criticisms from the commentators is that the values of the tricks are the same for men and women, and since women perform, at this point, much simpler tricks, their values are much lower than the men's tricks. Even in gymnastics, skills performed by men and by women are scored differently. For example, a double layout somersault on floor is worth 0.6 for women and 0.4 for men. Maybe skateboarding needs this kind of adjustment too. Another cool addition would be nominating which tricks they are going to perform, pretty much like in diving. So, there could be an animation showing how the trick should be performed before they try it, and how much it's worth in scoring. There's no point in comparing this to any Winter Olympic sport, in my opinion. At least when it comes to the Summer Olympics, it tries to do its own thing. Also, many people here believe this sport would attract teenagers and I see that there's a clear attempt by the IOC of doing exactly that. However, it has a broader appeal, too. I'm 37, probably one of the oldest members of this forum, and I still had a blast watching it even when no Brazilians were competing. Of course, everyone is entitled to have his or her own opinions, and I'm not saying everybody will like this, but it's also a mistake to assume that only teenagers will enjoy watching this sport.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. He won his last two races this year in humid conditions and ofc won the test event on the same course/conditions. I guess that doesn't mean much but the way he was hyping up his fitness had me believing he could win gold.
    1 point
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