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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. From time to time I see professional athletes registering on Totallympics. Some of them just find an event in our calendar and think registering on the forum will allow them to register for the event , but it would be nice to keep track of them. So far we surely know @brunamoura @Jesús @RaileanuEcaterina I think these are the only 3 who ever posted something here. Then I also discovered @Бојан Зделар @Neko @nhemmer There are problably more, which either I forgot or which did not want to use the real name/information and so I was not able to link with any athlete Anyway we can keep track of them in this thread!
    2 points
  3. Hopefully we see Jose Bautista in Tokyo if DR advances.
    2 points
  4. North Macedonia on Japanese is Kita Makedonia ??? Its fun that even on Macedonian kita means dick ???
    2 points
  5. Today starts (or still started) the Budapest Pride which will finish almost a month later in the "homophobic" Hungarian capital! They fight for the "acceptance". Do we really have to tolerate their provocations? Is this the right way for the "acceptance"?
    2 points
  6. for CAVB Continental Cup , Kenya qualified to women's final and Mozambique qualified to Men's final , the other team in women's side is still unknown as CAVB is yet to take a decision whether to disqualify the Egyptian team due to having the men's coach with positive Corona test or to play the match later on today , for men's side Morocco is leading Gambia 1-0 , 2nd match is still running
    2 points
  7. Politics is not only about politicians. Sometimes it looks like you're just throwing everything on the wall to see what sticks. The kind of politics you're supposedly against has very few to do with politicians and political parties, and more to do with people's awareness about who they are in this world. You see, even splitting the competition between men and women for the overwhelming majority of sports is a political decision. These kind of decisions affect our everyday lives, such as keeping different restrooms for men and women, for example. Let's not forget that decisions about gender are at the very core of how the Olympics are organized, so I believe it's not up to anyone to just decide who can or cannot show their support about policial causes, and when it's okay to do it. It's just hypocritical to forbid or impose limits about where athletes can show their support.
    2 points
  8. Covid case in the Croatian team Ivan Perisic tested positive and will miss the match against Spain
    1 point
  9. I am continuously annoyed at the Dutch NOC qualification policies. Like, great, your “substandard” athlete will just be replaced by an even worse one.
    1 point
  10. 8-5 the final score. qualifies for the Olympics.
    1 point
  11. well to me that's a stupid policy but at least this time I have absolutely no problem with that any female athlete qualifying for the Olympics is a good news for me. even if she loses 21-2 21-3 or something like that. I noticed the Dutch girl is also named "Soraya" so that's from one Soraya to another Soraya.
    1 point
  12. Miss World gave birth to a son, Henry 4 days ago. Lucky man
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. It is now 8-3 for the Dominican Republic at the top of the fifth.
    1 point
  15. wow that would be some goal by Immobile here
    1 point
  16. Men's 110m Hurdles Paolo Dal Molin - 13.27 (NR)
    1 point
  17. I don't wanna go into technicalities; let me just be happy for your small but brave land!
    1 point
  18. You meant XD here?
    1 point
  19. European Champions after defeating Denmark 4-2 in the final ! Bravo ! Dutch bullies again humiliated Slovakia 19-0 to end 5th
    1 point
  20. I have posted their flagbearers long time ago in the thread
    1 point
  21. Not All Stages! If All stages, then that's not 15.334 for Petrounius! It's three counting exercises! Criteria 5 - 2018/2019 – 2019/2020 Individual Apparatus World Cup Series Each Apparatus In case of a tie on the FIG Olympic Qualification Apparatus ranking list, the rank will be determined by the following criteria: The final score of the three counting exercises will be added and the gymnast with the highest total score prevails The total E-score of the three counting exercises (6 scores for Vault) will be added and the gymnast with the highest total E-score prevails If they remain tied, the total D-score of the three counting exercises (6 scores for Vault) will be added and the gymnast with the highest total D-score prevails
    1 point
  22. He tied Jean-wan, so it comes down to the average scores in all of the stages of the World Cup series. What we might have forgotten to add is that Jeah-wan scored 14.066 today and this pulled his average way down. So, @MHSN, it looks like Saeid Reza Keikha has qualified to Tokyo!
    1 point
  23. What a long, boring, convoluted, needlessly complicated qualification system. I'm glad it's finally over. Or is it? According to FIG's documents, China can't choose which gymnast will qualify through the World Cup quota, but if China somehow is given the right to choose and decide to pick Weng Hao over You Hao, this will make things even more complicated. For starters, will lose a quota. Then, the next qualifier in the parallel bars is Poliashov. I suspect Russia will decline this quota because it's better for them to just take the quota from the European Championships. However, if Russia takes this quota, then they will not allowed to qualify anyone through the European Championships and the quota instead goes to Nicola Bartolini. Now, if Russia declines the Apparatus World Cup quota, next in line would be Mitchell Morgan. In the end, I believe China will have to take You Hao as a specialist no matter what and this will probably hurt the team's prospects because he was expected to compete in the parallel bars and rings. Liu Yang might make the team instead, but in a 4-person team he's not going to be very useful. Of course Yang could take the individual spot China got through the all-around World Cup series, but then Weng Hao would miss a real chance of a medal in the pommel horse. It's going to be a tough decision for China, but unfortunately it's the result of a very risky choice to skip the Doha World Cup entirely.
    1 point
  24. It's really not about that I don't want a Chinese university, it's the massive loan that we are paying is what bothers me. I would be similarly upset if we would be paying the same amount to any other foreign power because I know that our debt is growing and at some point it will break the country. I don't blame the Chinese for this, it's all on our government who doesn't think in the long term and just want to get even more rich quick.
    1 point
  25. Tokyo 2020 OBS Intro: @Olympian1010 you can add this to your Olympic intro playlist.
    1 point
  26. and @hckošice
    1 point
  27. I like the female suit, apart the shoes
    1 point
  28. Lithuanian women's team has officially expanded to three. During the last year, the documents have been finalised behind the scenes, similarly to Paulauskaitė, Žurauskaitė also had a Lithuanian grandparent.
    1 point
  29. Vektor

    [OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread

    Meanwhile quietly Fidesz has made a foundation for Fudan, making it clear that the Chinese university is here to stay and will increase our debt to China significantly. But everyone is too busy to fight over LGBT rights to actually care about something can have much more serious consequences for both Hungary and the EU.
    1 point
  30. Iran Badminton Federation confirmed that Sorayya Aghaei is going to Tokyo. it seems some NOCs rejected quotas. (I assume NED and FIN) she will be the first ever female badminton player from Iran at the Olympics. I wasn't sure if she is healthy and ready to play. she herself was out of competition for something like 2 years. had to go through two surgeries but it seems she is recovered now.
    1 point
  31. Women's World Cup Quotas VAULT CAREY Jade UNEVEN BARS FAN Yilin BALANCE BEAM ASHIKAWA Urara FLOOR EXERCISE FERRARI Vanessa If pick Ferrari in team's list then this quota goes to MORI Lara.
    1 point
  32. Day 2 of the Lithuanian Athletics Championships highlights: Tomas Keršulis is one of the highlights again, breaking his PB by 0.46 seconds and finishing 200m in 21.00, taking second place and becoming the 18th Lithuanian to qualify to the European U23 championships. In the men's javelin, Edis Matusevičius reached a SB of 83.53, he's been throwing a little bit further in every competition, hoping for the best in the Olympics. For the women, Modesta Justė Morauskaitė won the 400m. Hurdles convincingly, she still has one additional start this year to attempt qualifying to the Olympic Games, she needs less than a second and she already scrathed off 1.5 seconds from her PB this season. There were some tense moments in the high jump where Airinė Palšytė took three attempts at 1.96, which were unsuccessful and she finished with 1.93. She might qualify through the rating system though. The Triple jump battle was won by Dovilė Kilty this time with a 13.89. She would easily qualify through the rating system, but there are already 32 women with a qualifying mark, so Dovilė has only one chance next week to get the qualifying mark for the Olympic Games. She had qualified for Rio in 2016, but missed it due to being pregnant. Lastly, Liveta Jasiūnaitė won the javelin throw with a 60.79, she has been throwing over 60 metres consistently now and consistency is going to be key for qualifying for that Olympic final.
    1 point
  33. Prakash

    India National Thread

    The national tennis federation (AITA) has requested the International Tennis Federation (ITF) to consider Ankita Raina's bronze-medal winning performance at the 2018 Asian Games for a place in the women's singles draw of the Tokyo Olympics since the gold and silver medallists from China are eligible for a direct entry due to their higher ranks. It remains to be seen if Rohan Bopanna (38) and Divij Sharan (75) will get entry in the men's doubles. Their combined rank of 113 as of 14 June means that their qualification would depend on withdrawal of teams from other nations. If India won't be able to field a team in the men's doubles, then the country will also go unrepresented in the mixed doubles event since the 16-team competition will have players only from main draws of other events.
    1 point
  34. I feel like that's a good rule in life, not just when you're watching cycling. If there's traffic headed in your direction and you don't actually have eyes in the back of your head, maybe check to see what's oncoming!
    1 point
    1 point
  36. Ethical things semi-wrongfully being called politics Bigger than all of this though: no Mobot in Tokyo, waiting for BBC to pull the plug on the entire Olympics
    1 point
  37. Turkey is Hammer Throw I guess
    1 point
  38. Men's Discus Throw Juan Caicedo - 66.36 Women's 100m Alja Del Ponte - 11.07 Women's Hammer Throw Tugce Sahutoglu - 74.03
    1 point
  39. Men’s update: The match for the quota will be contested by and SF result: 2-0 2-1
    1 point
  40. Here is Indian athletes schedule for Tokyo Olympics:
    1 point
  41. Mo Farah failed to qualify in the 10000m by 20 seconds
    1 point
  42. 10-0 vs. for the final baseball quota tomorrow!
    1 point
  43. Watching the US Olympic Gymnastics trials on NBC and I have no idea how any sport fan can like this coverage. Ads every three minutes or so, personal stories about the athletes that add nothing, and too much focus on very few gymnasts (especially Biles, of course) - even when there are other routines going on.
    1 point
  44. I see some Angora will march into the stadium in position #15, that should be fun
    1 point
  45. Too bad they didn't separate Surobakia and Surobenia
    1 point
  46. Sports is so interwined with politics that anyone saying it should be apolitical is laughable. Also, people who want x to be apolitical usually have a very defined ideology: they are pro status quo almost always.
    1 point
  47. So, let athletes represent themselves at the Olympics instead of pieces of land with an imaginary boundary decided by politics, then.
    1 point
  48. Ugh. I am not a fan of some these Tripartite picks. Jungblut got one for Rio and them bombed out. Now he got one again? What gives?
    1 point
  49. Only one hockey stick per case is the rule. Or perhaps they have enough to make an arc de triomphe over the front door.
    1 point
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