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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. For basically barking straight in his face. There's no need for that kind of respectless behaviour those crybaby millionaires are showing all the time.
  2. That should be a straight second yellow --> red There are way too few cards given for aggressive behaviour towards referees.
  3. Two divers in a Dutch lake found a sea squirt with, yes, two anusses
  4. I mean, I would accept 29,5 million dollars per year. Heck I'd even sign for 29 million if I'd have to.
  5. Also, to have this as early in the thread as possible: Startlist (being updated of course since it's not official yet) Stages and profiles
  6. Sounds like this mixed C2 is very competitive
  7. Purely recreational or as a sport? Like many kids I loved to do it when I was young (we used to do sprints in the street and I often won ), but nowadays I think I've outgrown my skates My sister still does it regularly, maybe I should join her again every now and then
  8. And the 2nd place on the all-time ranking behind only the world record of 1992
  9. Messi out, C Robaldo said out, finally Dutch TV can start talking about football
  10. Is that coach wearing a Vanuatu pin?
  11. So I'd say 1 out of 5 is rather normal, considering the fact your chances to advance are significantly smaller once you are behind
  12. And how often have they been behind in a KO match?
  13. Suarez being so called badly hurt on the back of his head....after getting hit in the back
  14. I almost feel sorry for some other Portuguese players, but yeah, this
  15. Every match is a food match for Suarez.
  16. Just saw arguably the best commercial I saw in quite a while (for a price comparison website) The voiceover at the end: "Look, that's an option as, if you're looking for a toothbrush, or something else..."
  17. Plus a boatload of times when there was no play due to substitutions and free kicks and discussions and whatnot
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