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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. I'm sorry but I can't stand that guy. Next!
  2. Well, France is definitely top 3 for me this year, if not my favourite among all songs. Really amazing! Happy they won the Press Award, although that's kinda bad luck?
  3. And I could only imagine how much more she will climb if allowed to perform again...
  4. Great Britain and its half-assed entries, nothing new...
  5. Love the Portugal song, but it's too low-key for this venue. Still, a worthy entry for the host nation.
  6. Maybe Rybak should have let another person write the song for Norway
  7. Beautiful performance by Elina. Bravo!
  8. Great song from Austria, definitely one of my favourites. Guy can sing!
  9. Unfortunately in Eurovision they weren't very successful.
  10. Which I don't like at all, but I guess it worked just fine.
  11. So... one of the songs that qualified for the final because of weak competition...
  12. This semifinal was so weak! I think all of my favourite songs were performed last Tuesday.
  13. I don't think a moment should define her carreer, but honestly, if there was a moment where she shouldn't be humble, it was that. Remember, the situation needs to be put in context. After barely qualifying in the first stage, the team got a LOT of crap from Volleyball fans, which (frankly) the team didn't deserve. So after coming back from nothing to win a gold medal, I think it was more than fair to say a few harsh words for the people who didn't believe in them.
  14. Just remembered the elections in Brazil are on October 7th, which completely ruins my plans of going to BA on the 5th. Now I will probably arrive on the 8th
  15. Seriously? In a sport full of athletes I can't personally stand, she was one of the few I really really liked.
  16. I posted here, youth team with 20 swimmers.
  17. Fabi Oliveira (Volleyball), 2-time Olympic champion, announced her retirement after the end of brazilian league last week.
  18. Good tournament for Brazil, hopefully one day we'll win a medal in Table Tennis.
  19. @thiago_simoes any news about which team Brazil is sending in Gymnastics?
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