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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. And yet in photos after competition they're being friendly with each other. In other words, show us the receipts
  2. So Brazil is doing great in Swimming even with a young team. That's probably because the level in South America is not that great but also because Argentina didn't send the best athletes, which would have won some golds for sure.
  3. I'm getting a little bored watching the Swimming finals. Why is taking so damn long between the medal ceremonies and the actual events?
  4. Just because Argentina was "bad" in one sport it doesn't mean it will be in others.
  5. This results site seems to be a trend for south american competitions as it was the same for South American Youth Games and Bolivarian Games last year. Really hard to follow these competitions.
  6. Bolivia wins its first medal with a bronze in cycling (men's individual time trial).
  7. First medal for Brazil is a bronze from Rowing
  8. This is a common thing in south american championships, it was the same in previous competitions. It's just the way CONSUGI does things.
  9. Today Bolivia was defeated 0-32 against Venezuela and 0-35 against Argentina in Water Polo. Will we see other similar results for the host nation in team sports?
  10. Murilo as libero is so strange. But at least he is playing, unlike his wife Jaqueline who also turned libero but is mainly a cheerleader in Brazil's matches
  11. Valéria Kumizaki (Karate) will be the brazilian flag bearer.
  12. I hate medals with "irregular" shape. These particularly look cheap
  13. Honestly? Good for her. This guy is a jerk.
  14. For those who are interested (@heywoodu), Alison will play with André, which was world champion last year with Evandro - they just won a title in the world tour this past weekend! This move by André has been seen as pretty shitty and Evandro is clearly pissed (in portuguese).
  15. Brazilian athletes starting to arrive at the village. Nice touch from the organizers with the nation's name at the building
  16. I think this will be solved very soon, or at least I hope so. I wouldn't worry too much
  17. I don't discuss politics a lot, but honestly I found the whole situation a little bit funny because some people were sure Brazil would get better under the Temer government and the exact opposite happened Huge lines today at gas stations here in my city 'cause people don't know if we will have gas tomorrow because of the truck drivers protests.
  18. While Bruno already announced he will play with his old partner Pedro Solberg, nothing about Alison yet. I hope he announces something soon.
  19. Olympic and world champions, Alison and Bruno have ended their partnership after 4 years playing together.
  20. You're too confident about the women's team. How are the chances that they screw up at least one of those finals? Or considering how lucky we are, that one of the girls gets injured? Same for all the gold medals in Rhythmic Gymnastics - Gaudio can drop the ball in the middle of her routine or something I guess it can happen, but I wouldn't call it a safe bet.
  21. I think it's a thing only among religious people and we don't have a free day for that - although, like @thiago_simoes said, on May 31st we have a catholic holiday ("Corpus Christi") that might be related to that... or not... Sorry, I'm not religious at all.
  22. I think it will be something like this: 1. Colombia 2. Brazil 3. Argentina 4. Venezuela 5. Chile 6. Ecuador 7. Peru 8. Paraguay 9. Uruguay 10. Panama or Bolivia (really don't know if they have many chances for gold) Brazil can be 1st, but definitely don't have the advantage of last time (in 2014, we won 32 gold medals combining Athletics and Swimming, which won't happen this time).
  23. Don't be so dramatic There are good commentators in Football (some are REALLY bad like Ronaldo, though). And while I agree these commentators of your list are really good, they're not the only ones. For instance, you left out one of my very favourites, Marco Freitas (volleyball).
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