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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. Italy probably sent a B team or something?
  2. It looks delicious but I wonder how you managed to do pão de queijo without polvilho
  3. SEMIFINALS vs vs The medalists will qualify for the World Championship. I wish Greenland was one of them.
  4. You never rooted for brazilian football anyway?
  5. That's not entirely true, as brazilians were criticizing him a lot during the match + the commentators have been hard on him all week (with reason), even Galvao criticized him a lot until the crocodile tears. So people are realizing that he's not good for the team if he doesn't play football, which he's not doing. For me the team should have some changes (Firmino?), otherwise it will be a bloodbath in further matches.
  6. Now that's a risky prediction What about that cat? Did he made more predictions?
  7. Títulos mundiais do golbol e futebol de 5. Motivo de orgulho
  8. Pra lá de bizarra né? Mas que bom que veio à tona.
  9. Coutinho's goal was beautiful even though Brazil was lame.
  10. Your guess is right (also add Senegal shirts), although it was very easy to guess in the first place
  11. I live in a small city in Pernambuco state (Northeast region) and we have a few senegalese immigrants, but also some from other african nations and Haiti. I guess they are in many places in Brazil 'cause today I watched this video of them celebrating in Caxias do Sul - a city from a state I think you know Celebration in Sao Paulo:
  12. I live in a pretty small city, but we have some senegalese immigrants and was nice to see them celebrating. Finally someone who lives here was happy about the performance of their team in the first match
  13. Thanks to the qualification schedule, Brazil has the most athletes qualified so far other than Japan (with 20)
  14. Blind Football IBSA World Championship 2018 full results: Men's Brazil has qualified for the football 5-a-side tournament at the 2020 Paralympic Games. Men's Tournament
  15. Not related to this topic, but another national thread title that made me stop for a second was the Poland one: Droga do Tokio 2020. (in portuguese, droga literally means drug, but also a very common word to express anger or frustration)
  16. Goalball IBSA World Championship 2018 full results: Men's / Women's The medalists have qualified for the 2020 Paralympic Games. Men's Tournament Women's Tournament
  17. I agree, but I guess they can gain experience over time. The altitude is a real deal breaker, though. Many athletes suffered a lot during this competition - one brazilian swimmer almost passed out in a event and some table tennis athletes were vomiting. For a competition that act as Olympic qualification for many sports, this isn't ideal.
  18. I heard rumours Miami might try? Of course any american city would be a instant favorite to host in case they have any interest
  19. I wouldn't go that far, but we celebrated on the whatsapp "Rumo a Tóquio" sports group
  20. Medal for Brazil And to think Anderson couldn't win a medal at the (much weaker) South American Games days ago...
  21. After the successful organization of the South American Games, Cochabamba will bid for the 2027 Pan American Games. After 2 editions in South America (Lima 2019 and Santiago 2023), I think Cochabamba can only win the right to host if no city from North or Central America is a candidate.
  22. For a competition of this level, I think the prize money is more than enough. I bet most medalists from other nations received a big 0 for their performances
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