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Everything posted by vinipereira

  1. Really bizarre result in Brazil vs Portugal match in which Portugal won 16-15 but the second half was only 4-4 Also, apparently Brazil did not score a single goal in the last 15 minutes of play
  2. BTW, I think @hukbrazil will also go, but as a journalist
  3. Bought the plane tickets to Buenos Aires Unfortunately because of the elections (ugh) I won't be able to arrive at the start, which I was very curious about (the opening ceremony not being in a stadium and all). So I will arrive only by the end of first week and stay there for 10 days, and later go to Uruguay for another week - and pending the results of the elections, I wish I could stay there indefinitely
  4. Honestly, same. I would hate if they win.
  5. Well, as I'm all about silver linings, at least wasn't humiliating like last time I will cheer for Belgium now, it would be so refreshing if they won this title
  6. Like the other top players that have played in Spain?
  7. Willian was quite good today (finally) so I don't see him going anywhere. Maybe Firmino replacing Gabriel Jesus? I hope Marcelo is okay 'cause Filipe Luis didn't convince me.
  8. Probably. My guess is that Brazil will finally start with some significant changes (we also don't know about the Marcelo/Filipe Luis situation).
  9. Finally a good match for Brazil, but...
  10. WTF I went to the bathroom and when I come back I already missed 2 goals with less than 5 minutes. It's like the 7-1 all over again
  11. Exactly, except that France woke up before it was too late.
  12. Not to mention it didn't want anything after that first goal when it could have very well seal the deal.
  13. Then my statement that Group A was the weakest would be wrong + make Croatia's life so much easier in next match
  14. From what the teams from this side of the table are showing, I think Croatia is safe at least until semis.
  15. Spain has done nothing to win this match and they're considered a favourite to reach the final? More and more I have a feeling that Croatia will go far.
  16. Piqué always screwing up things for Spain
  17. What a boring match. Spain doesn't want anything after the goal, and Russia seems happy with the result for now.
  18. Oh no. I'm not exactly a fan of Costa
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