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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Sanzo!!! Getting it done for the little guys. What an achievement. Medal for ! Hopefully he can translate that two-man success one day.
  2. I know swimmers who’ve repeatedly told me that “The wrong song choice and choreography will kill your score”. Technical mistakes are punished since it’s the second biggest chunk of the total score. Synchronization is like the third or fourth biggest part under the current system.
  3. Under the system I proposed, the higher tiers would get more quotas, so Europe would be fine. We might actually have more competitive fields that way, and it would be easier to give quotas to nations that deserve them. Personally, I’ve always thought Europe has too many quotas, and it discourages the growth of many sports (canoe, handball, modern pentathlon, etc.). The Olympics are for the best in the world, emphasis on the “the world”. I agree that competitions should be of the highest quality, but we should also get to see the Pita’s, Shiva’s, and Eddy’s of the world. I actually think that the IOC is moving in the right direction in a lot of places with this.
  4. Right, but what I’m saying is that the artistic score is the most important under the current scoring system, so it makes sense. The synchronization score actually isn’t that big. I love Artistic Swim (or whatever you wish to call it), but it is one of the few sports that I think of as more of an art form than a sport.
  5. How is it different? The artistic component score of the sport is the biggest chunk of the total score. Also, Artistic Swim is so much easier to say.
  6. This is a fair point. Maybe the following would be the best qualification system. Fuck the continental qualification system. Instead, we divide the 206 (though may soon be 207, 208, or 209) NOCs by either 5, 6, or 7. NOCs are put into tiered qualification groups based one three factors: population, athlete density (how many athletes), and competitiveness (you could also add geographical size, and make different groups for each gender). The groups could be the same for every sport, or different from sport to sport. This seems like the most fair way. Obviously the higher tiers could be given more quotas. Also, we could say that only NOCs in the lowest tier are eligible for universality quotas (and they can only have 1 quota per gender through that method).
  7. A) It’s actually called Artistic Swimming B) It works better as a name C) Not everything has to be synchronized
  8. Basketball, Baseball, Football, and Volleyball are all popular in both Asia and Oceania. Rugby is hugely popular in Oceania. Handball is quite popular in Western Asia. Artistic Swimming enjoys popularity in East Asia.
  9. No, that’s what I’m saying. I’m just trying to come up with ways to equal out the in-balance between the continents. Realistically, the Olympics should be free entry, but it’s just not possible.
  10. Right, but of what I’m trying to do is encourage greater participation in sports, and greater representation. Why should any Oceania nations try, when they know AUS/NZL will beat them? Every continent should be represented at the Olympic Games. I’m not a fan of countries having multiple athletes either, but that’s a conversation for another time.
  11. Wouldn’t less nations benefit India? Those changes would also make more competitive qualification groups.
  12. I also would like a vote on @dcro proposal @OlympicIRL. I also think it should apply to all multi-member juries.
  13. So far the best solution: Put AUS/NZL in Asia, move SEA to Oceania. Both regions get team qualification and individual qualification. My next question/suggestion. Would it be better to make another qualification region out North Africa and the Middle East? This could encourage greater African participation in sports.
  14. I actually wouldn’t mind that either. That might be the best solution so far.
  15. But it would have increase international participation. Plus, we don’t that wouldn’t be the case since we haven’t tried it. I do feel that you may be right though. I just hate giving AUS/NZL all these free places.
  16. I’m behind both of you by starting. I think I am going to start running again soon. I need to for my health.
  17. So, what would everyone’s opinion be on the following: We move NZL and AUS to Asian qualifiers, and leave the Continental spots for the smaller nations, or NZL/AUS only qualifier through continental spots when no other nations wish to. Thoughts?
  18. For Football they compete in Asia to make more fair for Oceania’s smaller nations
  19. Of course with most things it is. We’re still in debut year though, so we’re doing a lot of trial and error. We definitely tried to do too much for the YOG, but it’s good that we know that going into Tokyo 2020.
  20. Couldn’t follow events today, but looks like I missed a fun day . Medal Table is looking great for a winter competition. We need 1 more nation to get gold to get to 20 nations with a gold medal.
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