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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yes, an impressive feat for those ladies for sure. Hopefully, there was some support for them back in Japan.
  2. You my friend, have been missing out. The World Games are, at the most basic level, the Olympics for sports not in the Olympics. They always have good streaming, so I’m hoping NBC picks it up, and gives us access to everything (or ESPN does the same).
  3. Well, this might immediately be one of my favorite Olympic controversies of all-time “Someone has been grilling hot dogs on the Olympic flame in the city.” At least that’s according to ITG’s reporting on a emergency meeting the Lausanne2020 OC had. What away to end the games
  4. For those of you who don’t know, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the United States. It’s obviously a day celebrated differently by many people. I choose to at least remember Dr. King by reading his “Letter From A Birmingham Jail”. There was one quote in particular that stuck out to me. It reads “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” I feel like this quote applies to so many of today’s political issues. I really made me stop and think. I’m glad that I can say that my political positions, what I fight for, and morals back this quote.
  5. @Quaker2001 Who do you think will get the broadcast rights for the 2021 World Games? NBC, ABC (ESPN), or FOX?
  6. I really love that NBC is embracing the Paralympics. The Paralympics are growing closer to the Olympics edition by edition.
  7. Yes/no. That can happen, but it’s more the availability of guns that makes them so easy to acquire. I wouldn’t have to try hard, even in California, to get a gun if I wanted one. I don’t, so I haven’t, but it’s definitely very feasible.
  8. Sport Climbing qualification system has been posted: So again, we’ll only see 12 climbers per gender, per discipline. Qualification is quite rough, and honestly makes the Olympic system look better somehow. and both will seemingly get free quotas in each event. I think the quota should be increased to 16 in each event (if Sport Climbing is to stay in the World Games). We also already know the first quotas. Women’s Lead: (Garnbret) Women’s Boulder: (Garnbret) Women’s Speed: (Miroslaw A.) Men’s Lead: (Ondra) Men’s Boulder: (Narasaki) Men’s Speed: (Fossali) I’m not sure if Granbret fills both quota places, or if one is reallocated. EDIT: No longer accurate under current qualification system.
  9. Not sure. I really haven’t heard much about Peacock until this week. I’d assume not.
  10. Yes, let’s continue to murder our children with inaction!!!
  11. Or it may have not happened at all if access to guns wasn’t so simple. It’s all about proliferation.
  12. Just a little scuffle at the end. Not much to see unfortunately.
  13. Those aren’t props, there are legit guns . Our Constitution also allows for independently armed militias, so yeah
  14. Have you ever thought about why it’s so easy for criminals to get guns in the United States? Also, and hear me out, what about the “good guys” that end up shooting the wrong “bad guys”. What about the people killed by “accidental shootings”. Also, again, guns aren’t going to keep criminals away. Their going to do what they do either way. At least if we don’t have guns, there’s an actual no one will be killed in process, and the proper authorities can work to locate and detain the criminal, and bring him to actual justice. Killing someone isn’t justice. Teaching people that murder is wrong, by murdering people, is probably the biggest paradox in history. The “Law Abiding Citizen” should also have no need for that concealed weapon. The only people with concealed weapons should be SWAT and the armed forces. I’m not even going to comment on the fact that the “criminal” has been made a darker skin color than the “law abiding citizen”.
  15. There are many countries that compete in regional games that don’t attend the world championships.
  16. Spain used to have a decent team a while back. Great Britain has shown they can be competitive in Softball. World Baseball Classic means more internationally than the World Series by the way.
  17. Handball final: Europe v. Europe or Europe v. Europe Baseball Final: North America v. Asia or North America v. South America or Asia v. South America (and with Australia and Netherlands, both Oceania and Europe have realistic chances as well)
  18. And Iceland could wipe the floor with 190/201 IHF members...
  19. Western Asia is the Middle East. The OCA refers to that region as “Western Asia”. Artistic Swimming has more participating countries than many sports on the program. Baseball is also popular in Chinese Taipei, China, Philippines, and many of the Oceania nations (most have baseball/softball fields). It will be played in both the next Asian Games, and Pacific Mini Games. Really Baseball/Softball getting kicked out of the Olympics shows how Euro-Centric everything is. How the fuck is handball hanging on, but baseball “isn’t diverse enough”?
  20. I have zero need for a gun. Most people that have a gun have zero need for a gun. I’ve offered a compromise to many gun owners, and many think that “I’m infringing on their liberties and rights”. I’d love to see all guns banned, but it’s not possible. So what I’d like to see, is everything besides single shot rifles and pistols banned. You also shouldn’t need more than 5 bullets in a clip. If you need more than 5 bullets to a hit a target, you aren’t qualified to be using a gun the first place. There should be no one who values a “gun’s rights” over our children’s rights to life.
  21. Also, both me and @Griff88 now sit in the Overall Top 5. I remain 1 point off the podium with only 1 or 2 quizzes remaining. That German, barring an absolute miracle, has won the overall.
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