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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Ah great, the "We should cheer or not cheer for athletes based on the flag behind their name" brigade
  2. Someone with a worse mentality would have been way too far behind to have any chance of catching up with the Swedes even when they fell, so yeah, quite a significant part was down to mentality (and the other part was luck, as she said herself) Besides, she has probably shown the toughest mentality of everyone in the past half year or so.
  3. Meh. Fine about an event like the cross events, where it's a very clear 'who crosses the line first wins' kind of competition, but especially big air consisted of so much time of nothing happening...couldn't they have waited until for example at least the women's level was worthy of an Olympic event?
  4. Like Eide, you mean? "I kept fighting and I was lucky" followed by "I kept fighting until the end" and "I was lucky".
  5. Yes, he was even luckier than Eide, which is why I mentioned him. Anyway, Eide should be honest too and say the truth: never give up, because it might get paid off
  6. Cool, we found like the one person in the world who hates the Steven Bradbury story
  7. I could not give two f*cks if Eide 'deserved' the medal or not. She was behind, kept fighting despite being behind and it got paid off at the very best moment. That's the right mentality you need, instead of being in 5th or 6th place and 'giving up' because you're probably not gonna win anymore.
  8. That's meant negatively? Here we were just talking about how we're not a fan of him
  9. Eide, YES!! Losing your sister (died during a training), wanting to retire and then getting a surprise world champs medal in the very same season, that is so cool.
  10. During the race: Klaebo, if anyone. After the race: absolutely Ustiugov acting like a baby.
  11. I would have preferred e-sports, where results are based on, well, results, instead of on being 'cool'.
  12. Honestly, I doubt that. I think since forever youth has been 'against' the established stuff like rules and burocracy, but here we are, enjoying it
  13. Late teenagers or people in their 20's. The real 'kids' probably just want to see stuff they do themselves and I never see anybody breakdancing here. Also, skateboards were cool 15 or 20 years ago Now it's video games or, heavens forbid, watching videos of people playing video games.
  14. No, because the new audiences don't give a crap about the whole thing and see it as a leftist money wasting party.
  15. I kinda feel like this, but I just know I'm gonna end up spending 36 hours per day for over two weeks watching (almost) everything anyway
  16. I want koekhappen ('cookie biting', sort of) to be Olympic, where can I suggest it? Look, it's for young: And it's for old: There's a Paralympic wheelchair version: It's quite international, they even do it in Africa (and no, that's not 'he is black so it's Africa', it's actually in Africa): It's super traditional and has a rich history: One may even do it on horse if one so wishes: And last, but definitely not least, the freaking king himself does it and his queen absolutely loves it:
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