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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. So one Kazakh athlete involved...three of the four today have started, only Poltoranin to go..
  2. Four Estonians, four Kazakhs, two Austrians....I'm going for 10 times DNS.
  3. Huge talent as well indeed, although also in her case it's a matter of waiting to see how she grows. For all we know, this is her physical peak (probably not, same for Karlsson, but it's always possible with young athletes)
  4. Don't get me wrong, obviously she has the talent to do it, I just think the step to actually dominate is so big it's more likely she won't do it (even though I'd be surprised not to see her fight for overall World Cup wins at some point).
  5. Right, because if one young athlete goes on to dominate after an impressive performance, every young athlete will go on to dominate after an impressive performance?
  6. Nah, way too early to say Karlsson will dominate I'd say it's a lot more likely she won't, the step from this to domination is still rather big.
  7. Just listened to my first song of this year....France, what the fuck did you do? He misses every tone, dances awful, sings incredibly boring....if you don't speak English that's fine, but don't try it, yet that's what she's doing...ugh ugh ugh, my ears need to go to the doctor now
  8. I don't know anymore which one we saw All I remember is that a large part of it was in 'the hood' on the streets
  9. Political messages blegh, just shoot and kill stuff.
  10. Like I said, I didn't watch it, so I can't answer this
  11. All I know is we once had to watch a Spike Lee movie at school which was insanely boring and weird and ever since then I'm not the slightest bit interested in watching another one of his movies, I thought he was some sort of high school weirdo instead of an actual 'big' director
  12. I'm curious, but have a gut feeling people have been saying that about their own time forever
  13. Isn't there an Oceania-Pacific championships as well?
  14. They want the glass court to at the same time be a huge spotlight, or how else are they going to 'shed a new light' on a certain area?
  15. Same here! And to think Ammann is like a rookie compared to also still active Kasai
  16. Why was Aquaman not nominated? Black Panther was, but a dude who can control the seven oceans of the world AND fight a mythical creature in the center of the world beats some dude in a far away isolated land by a country mile in terms of being a superhero
  17. And this is exactly the kind of attitude that messes up any discussion right from the start. Person A: "This is a delicate situation for everyone involved and should be considered with the greatest of thought and care." Person B: "Human rights abuse and racism!!!" /discussion
  18. That would almost make it look like he's just in it for the prizes and money
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