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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And after Denifl, the next to confess is Georg Preidler, with more names expected to be known this week. I have a good feeling the Austrians are gonna do a hell of a better job than those miserable cover-up-Spaniards
  2. In 2021 I'm gonna be there, can we start working on a Totallympics flag or something for when Totallympians visit events like this?
  3. What a performance for Holund, and a more than respectable counterattack by Bolshunov Quite a lot of enjoyable races, at least I enjoyed the championships
  4. Lol, that normal hill competition of yesterday (yeah, just finished watching ) Nothing against Kubacki, Stoch and Kraft, but if ever someone was a lucky medalist....
  5. A little under one hour to go until the historical launch of SpaceX's Crew Dragon 8.49 CET
  6. That's so cool, only her second win on senior level ever (she won a pursuit in Kontiolahti 2017, plus a gold at the European junior champs some years back)
  7. Pics and videos once they are available please
  8. Cool I wonder of athletes can get full access there
  9. Just gonna be controversial and agree with our German friend here on Takanashi being the best female ski jumper ever (so far) That's probably gonna change quickly, although it's hard to see someone winning significantly more than her, since the sport is (like Monzanator said) still so young and so one can be sure that the quality is going to increase year by year, meaning it's less and less likely for someone to dominate.
  10. That is awesome, unless we get a 10-year case like Operacion Puerto
  11. That is correct (at least for one trimester, those who get under 250 points at least once in a race can compete in the next one as well, those who don't have to skip the next trimester and then try again) About handling a rifle safely: that's mostly up to the federation to kind of vouch for that if I'm not mistaken, there's not really an IBU-test or something where you have to prove it (not anymore at least), which I think is wrong, but alright.
  12. Yeah, it also at some point allowed for Thailand to compete in alpine skiing
  13. He has been shooting very well this season (by the way, he has been living in Austria since his early youth, surely that helps)
  14. All I read is that big sports store Decathlon took it out of their offer under political pressure (whereas the likes of Nike introduced it without problems), but I'm curious if @De_Gambassi or @Bohemia or someone read more about it.
  15. The IBU Cup is open for everyone (assuming one demonstrates the ability to safely handle a rifle and stuff like that) You just have to get a certain number of points to be allowed to compete in the next trimester, if you don't, you have to skip a trimester. In my opinion the IBU points system is a billion times more fair than the FIS points system, because it's just impossible to compare for example World Cups with North American or Iranian races (to take XC as example).
  16. That's easy, every World Cup and IBU Cup, plus Open European and World Championships (and only sprint + individual + since this season supersprint qualifying)
  17. @ahjfcshfghb Apparently Brazil does indeed have a quota, but they have no athlete eligible to use it (average under 180 or one result under 150 if I'm not mistaken). The whole thing would be easier to figure out if IBU actually publishes the damn qualifying points list like they say they do, but they never actually do.
  18. And last but not least, where did you find this? Looks like the Datacenter, but I can't see it anywhere
  19. Well, she's flying back home Sunday (and can't stay in Europe a day longer because of visa rules, she's been here 90 days - the maximum - on Sunday). I'm rather interested in what this means do...a wild card for what exactly?
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