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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Stage 1 (1st): team time trial, so he finished 1st there Stage 3: rather tough uphill finish, which he has been good at since he entered cycling (and it only got better all the time) Stage 4: same thing really Stage 6 (1st): again, long uphill finish It's not really strange for someone in a multi-stage tour to be strong in most of the mountain stages and this tour just happened to have quite a lot of mountain stages (+ definitely not everyone is in top shape yet)
  2. Hence the Ajax fans singing "Ramos bedankt, Ramos bedankt!" ("Thank you Ramos, thank you Ramos!")
  3. Brazil does, although they mostly focus like madmen on their Olympians and kinda pretend the rest doesn't exist.
  4. As for the Netherlands: basically the only real famous (in NED) winter sports venues are in Austria + German Winterberg
  5. Wait, Spindleruv Mlyn was a World Cup in 2011? I could not remember ever having heard of it before putting this season's calendar in my Notepad-calendar
  6. Athlete manager Jörg Werner, who has several cycling stars among his clients, has told a newspaper that Tony Martin, Marcel Kittel, John Degenkolb and Kristina Vogel had no dealings with doctor Mark Schmidt. He knows, because he often visited Schmidt because Schmidt was his GP/regular doctor. Wow, what a coincidence, a big-time cycling manager being a client with a doping doctor who is in the midst of a huge doping case....but said manager only went there when he was sick or broke his toe or something, for real! Nothing to see here!
  7. On the other hand, Landertinger (seen training with Hauke and his coach) is there
  8. I hope Eberhard and Eder indeed have the mentioned physical problems and they're not staying behind for a different reason..
  9. The incredibly mediocre Algo Kärp (Estonia, cross-country skiing) is next to confess in this whole Mark Schmidt case.
  10. Or the Dutch NOS about Dafne Schippers, holy smokes.
  11. I can't stand that it's not centered correctly.
  12. That team gold in 2017 made me so happy just because of Kircheisen after literally always missing out on gold Is Nordic combined shown on Polish Eurosport by the way? It is in the Netherlands, although mostly with a Belgian commentator who mostly does cycling normally On regular sports websites there's never any news about NC, during the Olympics maybe there's a tiny mention here or there because every final is usually at least mentioned somewhere (even if it's just a result without actual text).
  13. Ending with an Ortiz win and a split draw between Lara and Castaño.
  14. He had won a lot more though, intercontinentally speaking.
  15. They should have put the start simply after that corner instead of having three seconds before a corner before you really get going
  16. Plus 6:42.01 in the 5km, breaking another world record. That is quite rare and rather exceptional Sablikova took the world title, Wüst finished off the podium after 12 consecutive podium finishes since her 4th place in 2006. Patrick Roest defended his men's world title.
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