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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Day 3 Serbia-Spain 25:23 Slovenia-Sweden 25:23 Netherlands-Poland 30:21 France-Germany 22:20
  2. wow Slovenia Spain is very close to finish this championship after first round!
  3. ali da je npr bilo samo +2 u onom za nas losem trenitku u drugom poluvremenu mi bi izgubili sigurno imali smo srece sto su 40min igrale savrseno
  4. Ja ne znam zasto, ali meni je Dragica bas kul Nama je problem sto mi u rukometu ne znamo da igramo konstnatno dobro, vec uvek dodje trenutak u mecu kada igramo ocajno. I to se svaki put desi. I tako smo milion dobijenih utakmica izgubili. I ja ne vidim da to bilo koji trener na svetu moze da promeni. To je iskljucivo do igraca koji igraju. Panika ih uhvati uvek kad se mec lomi, a to ne sme da se desava.
  5. Our girls are too happy with this win. Now we have 2 points for second phase and maybe chance for match for 5 place. That would be amazing result After Rio: our football team very good, and handball team as well. Maybe they also want to win medals in Tokyo
  6. I think this is the end! Wow two wins in a row. Impressive. Goal was one win
  7. Marija Colic! Who is she actually?
  8. 8/18 is very very good. she had 10 saves!
  9. what to say. I can;t believe that this is Serbia team!
  10. Krpez was almost useless in attack in past, but now
  11. I don't know... Im now not sure that we can play like this is second half. Our players are very inexperienced (many of them)
  12. but we are not bad as well Im satisfied with this. We just need one Sanja Damanjanovic on this match
  13. haha in last 10min of first half only one goal. lol lol and lol.
  14. Pot1: France, Spain, Russia, Turkey Pot2: Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Monetengro Pot3: Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Latvia Pot4: Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Slovenia European champion and bronze medalist in Rio in pot 2 but at least we will not play against Ukraine and Belarus, we always have problems with them.
  15. As I said last year, Sanja Radosavljevic will be huge star for few years. What a player
  16. yes. We call this "Belgrade sea". It is on river Sava and it is like a lake This is base for our canoeing and rowing team when they are in Belgrade And next year world cup in rowing and EC for u23 and juniors will be on this lake and btw this is 10 minutes from downtown.
  17. Day 2 Czech Republic-Hungary 27:22 Russia-Croatia 32:26 Denmark-Montenegro 22:21 Norway-Romania 23:21
  18. I imamo medalju. Izabela i Jorgic su u 1/2. Mislim imamo pola medalje haha
  19. well, France is Olympic vice champion.
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