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Everything posted by dareza

  1. I hope we will win at least 1 point now
  2. Mora mnogo bolje na seniorskim prvenstvima.
  3. Daleko je to od vrhunskog Tek kada se uzme medalja na nekom seniorskom EP ili Sp mozemo da kazemo da je vrhunski. Sad je solidno
  4. Doslo je do velikog obrta. Davor nastavlja karijeru do Tokija Ali ce 2017. pauzirati, tako bar kaze. Ali ce ucestovati i na EP i na SP. I da, Majdov tek sada nece promeniti kategoriju. A i ja se nadam da nece. Posto je on po mom misljenju stvoren za ovu 90kg.
  5. 2:0 is ok result. Now our goal is to score in Norway
  6. For few days will be elections for president in our federation. There are two candidates, both are legends. Vladimir Vanja Grbic on one side and Zoran Gajic is second cantidate. If Gajic win elections, vice president will be Ivan Miljkovic This will be very interesting
  7. Our u21 have to prove today that they are not accidentally world u20 champions. Norway is not bad at all. Unfortunately we will play without two players from the first 12 (Marko Grujic and Milos Veljkovic), both are injured
  8. I agree. This system is very stupid, If you ask me I don't like this at all.
  9. again I really can't believe. I know that this is just started, but still.
  10. toliko o tome.
  11. Gajic ili Grbic ce izgleda na celo OSS. Gajic kaze da ako on pobedi, potpredsednik ce biti Miljkovic
  12. ali i ako ucestvuje nema veze. Mozda ce Tamas onda pokusati da obori rekord. Da proba preko 390 konacno i onda 2017 mora da ide preko 400. A mislim da hoce
  13. li vidis da pise R pored imena. I vidis da nije prvi na listi posto ima najbolji rezultat. Ja mislim da on nece ucestovati.
  15. Na drzavnom prvenstvu Tamas oborio licni. Sada je 389 (172 +217). Lepa forma pred juniorsko EP za nekoliko nedelja
  16. This was so expected imo. After I saw results on Florida I went to sleep. There was no reason to wait for result in other countries because then it was clear that he will win.
  17. Do you maybe have some site where we can follow results? I know for CNN (they have good graphics). But some other sites?
  18. Vanja Grbic kontam da ce na celo saveza sad. On bi mogao biti resenje za OKS. Nemam pojma ko ce se uopste i kandidovati. Za sada je samo Sapic rekao da hoce.
  20. John McEnroe Group Andy Murray Stan Wawrinka Kei Nishikori Marin Cilic Ivan Lendl Group Novak Djokovic Milos Raonic Gael Monfils Dominic Thiem
  21. Premier league will be very interesting this year
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