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Everything posted by phelps

  1. Women's Individual Trap Recap after Day #2 of qualification rounds (100 targets out of 125) =1. Zuzana Stefecekova, 97 =1. Wang Xiaojing, 97 3. Carole Cormenier, 96 =4. Catherine Skinner, 95 =4. Lucy Charlotte Hall, 95 =4. Fatima Galvez, 95 =7. Maria Ines Coelho De Barros, 94 =7. Giulia Grassia, 94 _____________________________ =9. Sarah Alhawal, 93 =9. Ray Bassil, 93 =9. Laetisha Scanlan, 93 Full ranking:
  2. ah, that double in Almaty... the same in speedskating... why has ISU decided for this anti-climatic stuff? (don't tell!)
  3. because of her history, because of what she's always said and because her party is the direct descendant of the original Fascist Party created by Mussolini (whose niece is one of the members of the current FdI), despite the many changes of name* they had after WWII (since then, the Fascist party was dissolved and its rebuild with that specific name is still illegal in Italy). *nostalgic fans of Mussolini first created a party named Movimento Sociale Italiano (Dec 26th, 1946), which was basically the reborn Partito Fascista under a new name, despite they always denied any direct connection with it and its racist politics (they sold themselves just as a conservative political formation). Then, in 1995, they changed name in Alleanza Nazionale...but they were still the same people that until the day before called themselves MSI. Alleanza Nazionale finally closed down in 2009 (mainly because of internal fights and esconomical disputes, not because they decided that their ideas were wrong and out of time), but in 2012 the hardcore members of AN decided to build another party with the same target and ideology, named Fratelli d'Italia, which is still the name of the party. In any case, the people leading the current FdI are all coming from the days of the old post-fascist parties, their ideas are well known and clear...there's no chance of misunderstanding what they think and what they want.
  4. it's difficult to say right now, mainly because Meloni's position about it is not so clear...she's never said anything explicit for or against the Italian support/contribution to the war... certainly Berlusconi will try everything he can to keep her at bay and make his own personal interests as always...but he doesn't have enough votes to be decisive for anything... imo Salvini is not going to count that much, actually he might (should) lose the Lega's leadership, because he's the main responsible for their electoral blow (they were the main party not more than 3 years ago, before the pandemic)... she and her accolites are going to be really dangerous for the individual rights, instead (abortion, LGBTQ+ community but not only...even working people rights might get restricted in favour of the entrepreneurs')... however, i think the main fight will be as usual on the internal issues on economics and funding management, which might lead to big troubles with the EU. personally, I expect things to go worse than before, but not as bad as many people predict...our President and our Constitution won't allow FdI and this government to make too many damages...our political system is well studied to make it impossible for anybody to really change the Country in the deep... p.s. moreover, I don't think this coalition is going to last the whole 5-year span they're suppose bet is that in 2 years time we're gonna go to a new vote (which will change the government once again, as it always happens)...
  5. no, the full name of the party is Fratelli d'Italia (like our National Anthem)... the new fascists is just to explain who they really are...legally the word "fascism" is prohibited in the name of any Italian activity (actually, the apology of fascism is still a crime here, but nobody cares anymore)...
  6. Il mondiale di tiro a volo preannuncia un ennesimo disastro epocale del Trap maschile, con tutti e 3 gli azzurri ormai fuori dai giochi per le medaglie e le quote olimpiche dopo solo 50 piattelli su 125 delle qualificazioni, una prestazione così sconcertante come mai nella storia del tiro a volo italiano. idem per Jessica Rossi al femminile, fuori dalle top 30 e senza più speranze dopo solo 2 serie. qui per fortuna vanno molto meglio le altre 2 azzurre, Giulia Grassia e Alessia Iezzi, che sono tra le prime 8 del ranking e ancora perfettamente in gara per le posizioni sul podio e per la seconda carta olimpica italiana della disciplina (Silvana Stanco, qui assente, si è già assicurata la prima con il successo ai recenti europei).
  7. esatto... a mia discolpa c'è solo il fatto che la partita non era ancora finita quando ho scritto il post, quindi non potevo citare questo ennesimo trionfo pallavolistico... a proposito, successo netto ma tutt'altro che entusiasmante delle azzurre nell'odierno match dei mondiali di volley contro Portorico.
  8. Parliament Righties ca. 44% - 235 seats (FdI -the new fascists 26%, Lega something less than 9%, Forza Italia -Berlusconi 8%, others 1%) Lefties 26% - 80 seats (the main party, the Democrats are at 19%) 5-star Movement 15.5% - 51 seats Azione + Italia Vera (they call themselves the "center", but they're just a bunch of opportunists looking at their own personal interests) 7.7% - 21 seats Senate Righties 44% - 112 seats (FdI -the new fascists 26%, Lega about 9%, Forza Italia -Berlusconi 8%, others 1%) Lefties 26% - 39 seats (the main party, the Democrats are at 19%) 5-star Movement 15.5% - 28 seats Azione + Italia Vera 7.7% - 9 seats
  9. p.s. Rihanna will be the star of the Superbowl LVII's Halftime Show...
  10. Italian "Caporetto" in the men's Trap (nobody in the top 50 )... I don't think Italian Trap shooting has never gone that bad in its more than centenary history... and also Jessica Rossi is outside the top 30 in the women's division... no need to say that there's no chance to earn a qualification spot among the men and we have to rely on 2 inexperienced youngsters like Iezzi and Grassia among the women to steal the second quota place... it doesn't look good at all for our shooting...
  11. Men's Individual Trap Recap after Day #1 of qualification rounds (50 targets out of 125) =1. Aaron Heading, Alessandro De Souza Ferreira, Rashid Hamad S.A. Al-Athba, Yang Kun-Pi, Derrick scott Mein =6. 9 Shooters @ 49 = 2x =15. 15 Shooters @ 48 Full Ranking:
  12. Women's Individual Trap Recap after Day #1 of qualification rounds (50 targets out of 125) 1. Kathrin Murche, 49 =2. 4 Shooters @ 48 = Wang Xiaojing, Carole Cormenier, Giulia Grassia, Augusta Rose Campos-Martyn =6. 8 Shooters @ 47 = 2x =14. 7 Shooters @ 46 Full Ranking:
  13. questa settimana il focus sportivo italico era principalmente rivolto ai mondiali di canottaggio e a quelli di ciclismo su strada. e non si può certo dire che sia andata bene, anzi... i canottieri hanno toccato il fondo, con la peggior prestazione iridata da anni: solo 2 medaglie (senza ori) e, quel che è peggio, solo 2 finali A e 4 "qualificazioni olimpiche virtuali" se la rassegna di quest'anno fosse stata decisiva per l'assegnazione delle carte olimpiche. non eravamo messi così male dagli anni Settanta del secolo scorso. in particolare, paghiamo l'ossessione per l'Otto al maschile (barca in cui non abbiamo tradizione nè personale adatto) e l'incredibile impalpabilità del movimento femminile, che da anni viene dato sulla rampa di lancio per poi fallire miseramente anno dopo anno. questa volta non si sono salvate nemmeno le campionesse olimpiche del doppio pesi leggeri (unica barca femminile in cui abbiamo fatto qualcosa di buono in passato), Valentina Rodini e Federica Cesarini, neanche in grado di agguantare la finale per le medaglie. altrettanto, i ciclisti hanno pagato la scarsa forma di Ganna a cronometro e tattiche senza senso nelle gare in linea (dove, almeno al femminile, potevamo fare molto di più bronzo di Silvia Persico è magra consolazione, visto il finale di corsa). unica vera soddisfazione è il livello raggiunto da Vittoria Guazzini, pronta a diventare un crack sia in pista che su strada (specie a cronometro, dove forse in un prossimo futuro diventerà la vera rivale di Reusser e delle olandesi). riporto per dovere di cronaca, ma senza dargli il peso che non ha, il fatto che a cronometro sia la nuova campionessa iridata under-23. tra gli altri eventi da segnalare, l'ennesima figuraccia del super-pompatissimo surf italico (che di azzurro in realtà ha ben poco, visto che c'è un solo nativo italiano in squadra). se si eccettua la discreta prestazione di Leonardo Fioravanti (spentosi proprio sul più bello), gli altri hanno rimediato solo umiliazioni. di conseguenza, va da sè che non siamo mai stati in corsa neanche per sbaglio per le carte olimpiche distribuite dagli ISA World Games di quest'anno. dopo tutto questo letame, addolciamo la pillola con il tennis (inatteso, gran successo di Sonego a Metz) e, soprattutto, con il trionfo clamoroso con una rimonta spettacolare negli ultimi 2 giri di Guido Migliozzi nell'Open Di Francia di Golf. Impresa che lo avvicina ai primi 100 posti del World Golf Ranking e lo consolida come il vero numero 1 attuale del Golf azzurro, con Chicco Molinari e gli altri rappresentanti della sua generazione ormai sul viale del tramonto e gli altri ragazzi della stessa generazione (o di quella immediatamente precedente) troppo incostanti e/o francamente non al livello di Migliozzi. prossima settimana, fondamentale su tutto il mondiale di Tiro a Volo (domani e martedì le gare di Trap, più avanti quelle di Skeet...4 carte olimpiche -sempre con massimo una per Paese per ogni evento- disponibili per ogni gara). e a seguire, l'avventura iridata delle ragazze del Volley, che proseguirà con i gironi preliminari e il successivo main round.
  14. Final Medal Table (Olympic events only) 4 / 1 / 3 3 / 0 / 0 1 / 7 / 1 1 / 1 / 0 1 / 0 / 2 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 0 / 2 / 0 0 / 1 / 4 0 / 1 / 1 0 / 1 / 1 0 / 0 / 1 0 / 0 / 1
  15. Kirra Pinkerton gets it! USA win the women's Olympic quota...
  16. Pinkerton takes the lead with 4.30 mins left...
  17. France trying to steal the extra women's quota with 15 mins to go in the final, as Ado's leading the pack and AUS is currently 3rd and PER 4th...
  18. Good luck to Aksel...
  19. Medal Table after 8 of 14 Olympic events 3 / 1 / 2 1 / 0 / 1 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 1 / 0 / 0 0 / 3 / 1 0 / 1 / 1 0 / 1 / 1 0 / 1 / 1 0 / 1 / 0 0 / 0 / 1
  20. Men's Junior Team Trap Gold: India Silver: Italy Bronze: United States
  21. Women's Junior Team Trap Gold: Italy Silver: Czech Republic Bronze: Australia
  22. the quadruple scullers don't agree at all... by the way, I'm really disappointed with Italy only getting bronze in this race... basically, it's the most unsuccessful championship for Italy in many years...only 2 olympic boats in the A finals...luckily, they both won medals, but still, the M4X should have done better...
  23. I don't know why? it's this current coaching stuff that's particularly obsessed...and yeah, ouyr strenght has always been in the 2 and 4-man boats (other than the lightweights)... p.s. but I still dream of a single sculler on top of the Olympic podium (actually, we won a lot of junior world gold medals in the single sculls, but we always moved them to double and/or quadruple sculls before they can even think of a career in the singles)...
  24. Removes 25K Open Water Event from 2023 World Championships,-Photo Courtesy%3A Andrea&text=FINA has removed the 25K,detailing the decision on Thursday. the 25kms has more competitive athletes and Nations than all that fuckin' sh*t they just put on the Olympic program... it's a wonderful event (like the race walking 50kms)... it's just this tendency to kill all the competitions that take more than 2's insane (as if those youth and urban sh*t could really bring new audience to the Games/Championships)...
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