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Everything posted by phelps

  1. Mixed Team Trap Gold: Italy 2 (Giulia Grassia & Mauro De Filippis) Silver: Great Britain 2 (Lucy Charlotte Hall & Nathan Hales) Bronze: Australia 1 (Laetisha Scanlan & James Willett) and Slovenia (Jasmina Macek & Bostjan Macek)
  2. e oggi, quando contava come il 2 di picche con i quadri a briscola, ecco che arriva l'oro nel Trap misto a coppie... qui mi sa che ne serve uno bravo per davvero...
  3. Men's Individual Trap Gold: Derrick Scott Mein Silver: Nathan Hales Bronze: Yang Kun-Pi Olympic Quota (to the NOCs, NOT to the Athletes): Derrick Scott Mein, Nathan Hales, Yang Kun-Pi, Bowneesh Mendiratta
  4. no medal for the young Indian (but at least he has the consolation of an Olympic quota place). USA, Great Britain and Chinese Taipei on the podium!
  5. Men's Individual Trap Ranking Match #2 Results 1. Bowneesh Mendiratta, 24 (Q) 2. Derrick Scott Mein, 22 + 5 (Q) 3. Rashid Ahmad S.A. Al-Athba, 22 + 4 4. Aaron Heading, 11
  6. Men's Individual Trap Ranking Match #1 Results 1. Nathan Hales, 22 (Q) 2. Yang Kun-Pi, 20 + 1 (Q) 3. Clement Bourgue, 20 + 0 4. Alessandro Ferreira De Souza, 12
  7. Hope Nathan Hales doesn't get confused and shoot at her instead of the clay targets sorry guys! just joking, no intention of being offensive towards anybody...
  8. a fox trolling around the shooting range! lovely pictures!
  9. Women's Individual Trap Gold: Carole Cormenier Silver: Fatima Galvez Bronze: Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova Olympic Quota (to the NOCs, NOT to the Athletes): Carole Cormenier, Fatima Galvez, Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova, Catherine Skinner
  10. Men's Individual Trap Qualification Round Results 1. Yang Kun-Pi, 123 (Q) 2. Derrick Scott Mein, 122 (Q) 3. Alessandro Ferreira De Souza, 121 + 2 (Q) 4. Bhowneesh Mendiratta, 121 + 1 + 3 (Q) 5. Nathan Hales, 121 + 1 + 2 + 2 (Q) 6. Rashid Ahmad S.A. Al.Athba, 121 + 1 + 2 + 1 (Q) 7. Clement Bourgue, 120 + 8 (Q) 8. Aaron Heading, 120 + 7 (Q) Eliminated after the Shootout: 9 more Shooters ending the qualifications @ 120 Hits Full ranking:
  11. Catherine Skinner and Fatima Galvez get the last 2 quota places of this event.
  12. Women's Individual Trap Ranking Match #2 Results 1. Catherine Skinner, 21 (Q) 2. Fatima Galvez, 21 (Q) 3. Wang Xiaojing, 20 4. Mariya Dmitriyenko, 11
  13. is out... now it's between , and for the 2 remaining quota places...
  14. I know you can do whatever you want with this game, but every Judo event has 2 bronze medal winners... it should be allowed/required also in the prediction's options.
  15. Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova and Carole Cormenier get the Olympic Quota places
  16. Women's Individual Trap Ranking Match #1 Results 1. Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova, 25 (Q) 2. Carole Cormenier, 22 (Q) 3. Maria Ines Coelho De Barros, 20 4. Laetisha Scanlan, 11
  17. Women's Individual Trap Qualification Round Results 1. Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova, 122 (Q) 2. Wang Xiaojing, 119 + 2 (Q) 3. Carole Cormenier, 119 + 1 (Q) 4. Catherine Skinner, 118 + 3 (Q) 5. Maria Ines Coelho De Barros, 118 + 2 (Q) 6. Fatima Galvez, 117 + 1 (Q) 7. Laetisha Scanlan, 117 + 0 (Q) 8. Mariya Dmitriyenko, 116 + 5 (Q) ________________________ 9. Kathrin Murche, 116 + 4 10. Ray Bassil, 116 + 1 Full ranking:
  18. Women's Individual Trap Qualification Round Results 1. Zuzana Rehak-Stefecekova, 122 (Q) =2. Carole Cormenier, 119 (Q) =2. Wang Xiaojing, 119 (Q) =4. Maria Ines Coelho De Barros, 118 (Q) =4. Catherine Skinner, 118 (Q) =6. Laetisha Scanlan, 117 (Q) =6. Fatima Galvez, 117 (Q) ________________________ To the Shootout (1 more place to the Semifinal Round): =8. Ray Bassil, 116 =8. Kathrin Murche, 116 =8. Mariya Dmitriyenko, 116 Full ranking:
  19. this time the 2 main issues were the difficult economical situation of the Countries (people getting payed too little, taxes too high, bills no longer sustainable -especially those connected to the gas and energy industry) and the war in Ukraine. But what really killed the "lefties" are all the restrictions and obligations about the pandemic. Most people don't forget and forgive the longer and stricter lockdown of the entire Continent, the tons of people who lost their job, the kids who got heavily depressed because of that lockdown and the schools basically working only from remote until last Summer (so, for almost 2 full years), the fact that vaccinations were mandatory and those who didn't want to use experimental (and at this point legitimately of doubtful success) vaccines were discriminated badly (they couldn't even go to work, those who still have one, without having continuous tests, which was a torture according to them). Add a few strictly "typical Italian" questions (all the polemics on immigrants and the safety of our cities) and our everlasting tendency to search for a new government opposite to the last that was in charge (because they always promise what they can't do...and it's the same this time, FdI and their acolytes just can't do even 10% of the things they'd like) and you have a vote like Sunday's. by the way, in my opinion (and I underline that's just my opinion) their absolute red flags are on their view of the civil rights...surely there will be a strong constriction of those, especially for the LGBTQ+ community, on abortion and on the laws protecting working people in terms of paychecks, safety on the job, arbitrary/unfair dismissals getting a lot easier and things like that). meanwhile I don't think they would dare to go against EU for what concerns the main foreign politics (war, relationships with the same EU and NATO and things like that), which is also a big concern for those who didn't vote for the new majority.
  20. disastro completato... Giulia Grassia crolla letteralmente nell'ultima serie con un inguardabile 20/25 ed esce miseramente di scena pure lei. Forse è giunta l'ora di cambiare il "manico" e rimuovere CT (con le sue convocazioni assurde) e coach personali di atleti di provata qualità che sembrano aver completamente smarrito le qualità che li hanno contraddistinti in passato.
  21. se possibile, situazione degli azzurri ai mondiali di Tiro a Volo ancora peggiore dopo la seconda giornata... solo un miracolo potrà vedere Giulia Grassia tra le prime 8 al termine delle qualificazioni del Trap M + F, mentre gli altri sono tutti miseramente fuori dai giochi. come siamo caduti in basso...che tristezza!
  22. Men's Individual Trap Recap after Day #2 of qualification rounds (100 targets out of 125) =1. Derrick Scott Mein, 99 =1. Yang Kun-Pi, 99 =3. Clement Bourgue, 98 =3. Josip Glasnovic, 98 =4. Manuel Mancini, 97 =4. Abdulrahman Al Faihan, 97 =4. Aaron Heading, 97 =4. Driss Haffari, 97 =4. Alberto Fernandez, 97 =4. Anton Glasnovic, 97 =4. Rashid Hamad S.A. Al-Athba, 97 ____________________________ =12. 12 Shooters @ 96, Full ranking:
  23. actually she has a diploma in foreign languages (with maximum votes, for what that counts -nothing, of course) and she's a professional journalist (even if she has never worked as a journalist, she's into politics since she was a teenager)
  24. from worse to worst for Italy... Alessia Iezzi blew her competition with a 3rd and 4th shameful rounds, so now we're down to 1 small chance of winning a medal and get a quota place between both the men and the women's events...
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