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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. she is already on the previous page While the criket in India revealed many surprises
  2. Franky zapata is going to through " la manche" to UK on his Flyboard without passport
  3. I'm watching Dr.Housse , i never liked this serie but i don't find something else
  4. the world paraSwimming is running now in Malaysia
  5. and in france , one baby killed hited by the car of his father Un bébé de 18 mois mortellement percuté par la voiture de son père
  6. wtf this day is A Belarusian woman was swept away and died while trying to cross a fast-moving river in Alaska in search of an abandoned bus made famous by the book and movie “Into the Wild.”
  7. Germany also today Boy, 8, killed after being pushed into path of train with his mother in Frankfurt
  8. today was also my worst of the year , i'll not tell why just i want to forget it , I wonder why don't I drink , that could be useful
  9. also Two US service members killed in Afghanistan
  10. and in Italy 2 American Teenagers Admit Killing Police Officer in Rome, Officials Say
  11. while in Brazil today Brazil jail riot in Para state leaves 52 dead as gangs fight
  12. happened many times , only 1986 was correct and this year is the worst year Earth Overshoot Day 1986 31 décember 1990 7 décember 1993 21 october 1995 21 november 2000 1er november 2003 22 september 2005 20 october 2006 9 october 2007 28 september 2008 23 september 2009 25 september 2010 21 august 2011 27 september 2012 22 august 2013 20 august 2014 18 august 2015 13 august 2016 3 august 2017 2 august 2018 1 august 2019 29 July
  13. good job Earthian , today 29 July is the Earth Overshoot Day do you know what it is ????????
  14. this thread of " shooting at the pan American games " sounds interesting
  15. all what you have to do is avoiding the markets the Mall the festival the stadium the station....etc stay alone at home no one will attack you
  16. during one festival in california
  17. the 2nd British boat sent to secure Ormuz , they are alarming Iran
  18. this arcus yesterday in Budapest
  19. much money for few virtual images I totally agree with thief/mafia they are the only one who anderstood the life
  20. I don't trust the colombian , they are highly doped in cycling
  21. for the first time they will race around " le Louvre"
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