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Everything posted by dcro

  1. I guess you also need our social security number and our aunt's maiden name? Done.
  2. Can't find any... Apparently Algeria is such big favorite that they didn't even bother looking for the others.
  3. Algeria is apparently still the bookies' favorite for the win. On the sidenote, what are the odds that Grand Final will be happening this Saturday?
  4. Sad. But rather expected. He did come back strongly in 2017 after missing Rio, but then he just sort of disappeared.
  5. So yet another expensive venue instead of a natural river. I wonder if the hosts even have that choice nowadays.
  6. Yeah... That Paralympic thing is not happening. Your laymen audience will just run away from the Olympics that have more than two genders.
  7. The Verdict is a great film. Watched it Monday.
  8. Meh. For a moment it looked like @heywoodu will not be the first with Olympian spouse.
  9. He is one of those who usually rewards positive, confident riding, which is good. Adding strides can easily get you in trouble on his courses, even if it may be a natural instinct that going slower means safer... Also he gets praised for building horse-friendly courses, where inexperienced horses can build a lot of confidence during just one run (again, if ridden positively). Most of all, he seems to be very unpredictable. His Kentucky course from last week was very different than the one from 2018, so really nobody can tell what he is cooking up for next year. He used a lot of terrain in Kentucky, but I wonder if there will be any terrain available at the Tokyo course, which is right by the sea (hopefully some hills will be artificially added if it's completely flat)... Some quotes on his Kentucky course can be read here.
  10. They have their chance, but it will be a battle. Meanwhile, it's Luxembourg that stands the best chance of making a debut. Their rider provisionally lost a spot this month, but that's because he entered only two events so far (top 4 results count for the rankings).
  11. No, they haven't competed before. Just like Malaysia who holds one of Group G spots.
  12. Interesting how women's 1500m freestyle is the event with most qualified athletes so far. Probably because FINA based the entry times on results before this was an Olympic event, which doesn't make much sense. I mean, even San Marino is not too far from qualifying in this event.
  13. New dressage and eventing rankings are out... Dressage simulation Group A - Group B -  Group C - Groups D/E - Group F - Group G - Additional - Can't believe that both Annabelle Collins and Michael Bugan still haven't entered a single qualification event. Such meh. The only change is that Finland overtook Luxembourg for the additional place. Eventing simulation Group A - Group B -  Group C - Group D - Group E - Group F - N/A N/A Group G - Additional - Reallocation (provisional) - Great start for Billys with a win in California. Meanwhile, if there ever was an eventer who already secured his individual place, then that would be Felix Vogg. Full rankings here.
  14. It's NOCs, IOC and IF. And they should generally look at athlete's capability (so someone who capsizes on each run shouldn't be given a great chance).
  15. Robeta Foster easily reached the minimum eligibility standard for dressage (which is set at 62%). Therefore Barbados will at least use its dressage quota, if not the eventing team spot.
  16. Tom Dumoulin must be sad, for he is no longer the Dutch erection...
  17. Indeed. He thinks vd Poel is more special than Fuglsang. Lol.
  18. I'm somewhat worried that this publicity around him may put pressure on Tripartite Commission though.
  19. @Vojthas Some exciting results at the Polish eventing championships (which also served as international 4* event). I imagine this was sort of a selection event for the Polish team for Group C qualifier?
  20. It's so small that even Pro Cycling Stats don't have this.
  21. Next badminton powerhouse @hckosice
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